Four trains are ready for Ukraine

This content is more than 1 year old.

Two years have passed since Russia’s full scale invation of Ukraine. As a part of Norway’s contribution to keep the economy and life in Ukraine going, four trains that Ukraine has requested, are ready to be transported to the war-stricken country. These are the first passenger trains that are donated to Ukraine through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

Because of Russia’s full scale invation, Ukraine’s airspace is closed for civil aviation, the transport infrastructure is subjected to air strikes, and the maritime transport via the Black Sea is reduced.

“When it comes to the transport of both people and goods in Ukraine, there are of course challenges due to the war. At the same time, people that are fleeing from war-stricken communities are being transported by train on a daily basis. In a situation of war, the opportunity for transport is crucial to maintain critical societal functions as well as connecting a future liberated Ukraina to Europe,” says Minister of Transport Jon-Ivar Nygård.

“The Ukrainian resistance is impressive but it is a daily challenge. The Russian strikes on civilian infrastructure are greatly affecting the population. The material contributions from Norway are an important supplement to the humanitarian aid in Ukraine. The Ukrainians appreciate what Norway has contributed – both the large humanitarian and civilian means to the Ukrainian population, as well as individual contributions like the trains from Norske tog,” says Minister of Foreign Affairs Espen Barth Eide.

A small but important contribution – and the first train donation from the EU system

The governing powers in Ukraine requested four passanger trains, and Norske tog AS, in collaboration with The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, took the initiative to donate trains that are no longer in use in Norway.

“We have previously donated ten road bridges. The Ukrainian governing powers requested four passenger trains from a specific type of train that Norske tog could offer. These four trains are now in good condition and prepared for donation. This is a small but important contribution, and it is actually the first train donation through the EU system to Ukraine”, says the Minister of Transport.

The trains that Norske tog is donating is the so called “train type 92”. They have previously been used in Trøndelag, and have now been replaced by new and modern trains. Thus, the donation will have no consequences or impact on train services in Norway.

“Correct use and good maintenance is important in order for Ukraine to get the most of this donation. Therefore, train drivers and maintenance personell from Ukraine will be properly trained in Norway by the train operator SJ Norge and the train maintenance company Mantena,” says Minister of Transport Nygård.

Great Ukrainian needs

Keeping the everyday life on track, quite literaly, is an important part of Norway’s support to Ukraine. The support to the UN, Red Cross and Norwegian humanitarian organizations, have given millions of Ukrainians life-saving emergency care. At the same time, Norway’s extensive support to the World Bank has played a part in keeping the wheels running for education, health, reparing critical infrastructure and early reconstruction.

As a result of Russia’s brutal war, Norway contributes extensively both when it comes to civil and humanitarian support. Together with 35 countries, Norway has played a part in donating more than 100,000 tons of material to Ukraina through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. Aligned with the priorities in the Nansen program priorities, Norway will continue both the material and the medical aid based on Ukrainian needs.

For images, please see: Doantion of four trains to Ukraine | Flickr