Minister Eide’s remarks at AHLC Ministerial Meeting

Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Espen Barth Eide’s remarks at the meeting of the international donor group for Palestine (AHLC) Thursday 26. September in New York.

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Excellencies, ministers, colleagues and friends,

Welcome to this meeting of the Ad Hoc Liason Committee (AHLC). Thank you to the United Nations for hosting us today. And to our co-sponsors EU and the United States. A special welcome to the Prime Minister of Palestine.

What has emerged since we last met, is an even more dramatic situation in the Middle East. In Gaza, with terrible loss of life, fear and starvation. In the West Bank, the situation is also worsening. In Israel, people are still traumatised and live in fear after Hamas’ terror attacks on October 7th. As we speak, there is a dangerous escalation in the region.

But a glimmer of hope in a devastating situation is the emerging global consensus on what is needed: There is no credible alternative to a two-state solution.

What is absolutely certain, is that it will be impossible to get to that long term goal of a viable two-state solution - with Palestine and Israel living in peace with each other - if we do not ensure the survival of the Palestinian Institutions. This is what we are here to do.

Friends, I must underscore that Israel is part of the AHLC and historically has taken part in this meeting. The door will remain open until they decide to come back.

But with the urgent need for political and economic support to the Palestinian government, we cannot afford to let this platform be unused.

The situation on the ground - not only in Gaza but also in the West Bank - is dire. The role of the PA is crucial for service delivery to the Palestinian people. It is necessary to further develop the institutions and one single governance structure for the Palestinian people: in all of Palestine, both in the West Bank and Gaza.

I hope we can use this meeting today to jointly coordinate our support to the important role of the Palestinian government. This lies at the core of what the AHLC is meant to address. Then we will address other broader political issues in other suitable forums, including in the meeting later this afternoon.

We are grateful that our friend the Prime Minister is with us. He will give us an overview of the government’s plans and achievements, the current challenges and share his assessment of what is needed.

Prime Minister Mustafa's reforms are crucial, when it comes to efficiency, service delivery, transparency, democracy, and financial reforms. We welcome the significant progress made since you presented your plans in Brussel this spring.

In this critical situation, donors need to take responsibility politically, but also economically. Direct support is vital for the survival and strengthening of the Palestinian institutions in the whole of Palestine. We welcome the new support package being developed by the EU, increased support from the World Bank and the resumption of budget support from the UK, and all other significant efforts. We encourage longstanding donors, including from the region, to increase their support, but also new donors to come on board.

We call on Israel called to immediately reverse any harmful policy that undermine the PA and the Palestinian economy, to transfer the clearance revenues in full and to ensure the continuation of corresponding banking relations. A stable economic situation is necessary for the long-term sustainability of PA’s finances.

Friends, even as the situation in Gaza remains extremely critical, it is necessary that we start planning for the day after. Establishing a joint political framework and principles for early recovery and reconstruction – including the central role of the PA – is key to ensuring that our efforts lay the groundwork for long-term recovery.

After Prime Minister Mustafa has given his presentation, we will hear from our host the UN, and then from the two co-sponsors, the EU and the US. Followed again by Ministers, countries and organizations to ask for the floor.

We are also delighted to have the World Bank, the IMF and the Office of the Quartet here to elaborate on what is needed in the current situation.

Friends, I hope that we can be crisp, to the point and practical. We know how serious the situation is. What we need to do is to see how we can further strengthen the Palestinian government and institution building, in order to advance the implementation of a two-state solution. It is the only way forward.