Nordic support for Finland and Sweden

This content is more than 2 years old.

‘Finland’s and Sweden’s security is important to our security. Together with Denmark and Iceland, Norway stands ready to assist its Nordic neighbours by all means necessary should they be the victim of aggression on their territory before obtaining NATO membership,’ said Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre.

The prime ministers of Denmark, Iceland and Norway issued a joint statement welcoming the decisions of Finland and Sweden to apply for NATO membership, and emphasising that the Nordic countries all share the values and principles of the Alliance.

‘This is a watershed moment for Nordic cooperation. The security assurances we are now giving send a clear message. We will do our utmost to ensure a swift accession process. I hope that Norway will be able to ratify the accession protocols for Swedish and Finnish NATO membership very quickly,’ said Mr Støre.

Both Finland and Sweden fulfil all the criteria to become members of the Alliance. Swedish and Finnish NATO membership will enhance the guarantee of collective defence and strengthen security in the North Atlantic area.

‘We will further develop our Nordic defence cooperation. Our military forces work well together and have trained together for years. We greatly appreciate the significant contributions that Finland and Sweden have already provided as partners of NATO,’ said Mr Støre. 

Norway, Denmark and Iceland give their full support to the decisions of Finland and Sweden to apply for membership of NATO.

‘Sweden and Finland have the right to pursue their accession process without attempts at outside interference. The Nordic region poses no threat to anyone, and will remain a region of low tensions, seeking to live in peace with its neighbours,’ Mr Støre said.