Proposal for amendments for better control with security of electricity supply

This content is more than 1 year old.

The Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has sent a proposal to amend the energy legislation regarding a new control mechanism for security of electricity supply on public consultation. The proposal is a follow-up on the measures that were announced by the Government in January 2023.

The control mechanism will include stricter requirements for hydropower producers in situations where reservoirs are expected to be low. As part of the Ministry’s work, the Ministry has considered measures that will secure that more water is stored in the reservoirs when the water levels are low and that export in these situations may be limited.

‘With the proposed legislation we are establishing better tools to safeguard security of electricity supply for consumers and businesses, ensuring that we have enough water in the hydro power reservoirs and preventing the need for rationing’, said the Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Terje Aasland.

The proposed control mechanism consists of the following:

The deadline for comments is the 8th of September 2023. The aim is to have the necessary measures in place before the winter 2023/24.

The hearing is only avaliable in Norwegian: Høring – forslag til endringer i vassdragsreguleringsloven, energiloven og tilhørende forskrifter (styringsmekanisme for forsyningssikkerhet)