Statement by Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide on missile attacks against Ukraine

Norway condemns Russia’s massive missile attack against Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities today. At least 20 people have been killed, dozens are wounded, and there are huge material damages. It is extremely serious that the attacks yet again have hit civilians and civilian infrastructure. Russia has a responsibility to protect civilians in accordance with international humanitarian law.

It is particularly disturbing that the National Children’s Hostpital Ohmatdyt has been hit, with an unknown number of casualties. The hospital must now be evacuated, exposing sick and vulnerable children to additional danger and suffering. Norway has since 2019 supported a project at this hospital, led by Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital. The aim of the project is capacity building within physical rehabilitation of children. 

Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine is a serious violation of international law, and has been condemned by a large majority of UN member states, including Norway. Russia must end its illegal war and immediately withdraw all its forces from Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders. Russia’s brutal attacks only strengthen our resolve tocontinue our support to Ukraine in its legitimate self-defence against Russia’s aggression.