Summit on Peace in Ukraine

This weekend, Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre is taking part in an international summit on peace in Ukraine. Participants will include Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and leaders representing some 90 other countries.

‘The Ukrainian people are now in the third year of their fight for freedom. Russian attacks have increased and there are major losses on both sides. Although there appears to be no end in sight, we must not give up. The aim of coming together in Switzerland is to inspire a future peace process for Ukraine,’ said Prime Minister Støre.

Ukraine’s peace formula

The summit is being organised by Switzerland in response to a request from President Zelensky. The purpose is to establish a framework that can lead to a just and lasting peace in Ukraine. Discussions will focus in particular on nuclear security, food security and the return of deported children, other civilian hostages and prisoners of war.

‘Norwegian support for Ukraine is about promoting a free, secure and independent Ukraine. It is crucial that we use Ukraine’s peace formula as our starting point. The purpose is to secure peace on Ukraine’s terms ­­– and to safeguard security and stability on our continent,’ Mr Støre said.

Norway is actively involved in efforts related to the 10 points highlighted by President Zelensky in the Ukrainian peace plan formula he put forward in the autumn of 2022. Norway has taken on special responsibility for the points related to energy security and the return of deported children, other civilians and prisoners of war.

Broad international participation

Prime Minister Støre believes the large number of countries and leaders taking part at the summit in Switzerland sends an important signal.

‘It is crucial to have such broad international participation at this summit. I am pleased to see participants from all regions of the world. Many countries around the table have important experience to share. While no two wars are alike, they all have certain things in common. We will try to establish a collective approach to a genuine peace process. It is an ambitious goal, but we can succeed if we can reach agreement on how to follow up and cooperate further on concrete measures,’ Mr Støre said.

Facts about the summit

The Summit on Peace in Ukraine is taking place at the Bürgenstock resort in Switzerland. In response to an initiative from the Ukrainian authorities, Switzerland has invited delegations from around the world to take part.

Leaders from some 90 countries are participating in the meeting, most of them heads of state or government. Russia is not attending the summit.

The Ukrainian peace formula, international law and the Charter of the United Nations will be at the core of the discussions at the summit.


Facts about the Ukraine Peace Formula

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced the Ukraine Peace Formula at the G20 meeting in November 2022.

The Peace Formula consists of the following 10 points:

1) Radiation and nuclear safety;

2) Food security;

3) Energy security;

4) Release of all prisoners and deportees;

5) Implementation of the UN Charter and restoration of Ukraine’s territorial integrity and the world order;

6) Withdrawal of Russian troops and cessation of hostilities;

7) Justice;

8) Immediate protection of the environment;

9) Prevention of escalation;

10) Confirmation of the end of the war.

Ukraine has established working groups focused on implementing each of the 10 points of the peace plan. Norway is actively engaged in these efforts, and co-chairs the working groups on energy security and the return of deported children, other civilians and prisoners of war. The plan has been discussed at a number of meetings among the countries who support the Peace Formula, and Norway supports Ukraine’s efforts to mobilise the broadest possible international backing for the plan.