Norway and Ukraine working to strengthen business cooperation

This week Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry, Cecilie Myrseth, travelled to Kyiv with a Norwegian business delegation to enhance trade cooperation and facilitate increased support from the private sector.

- It is vital for our collective security that Ukraine succeeds in its defence efforts. International support has been and will continue to be crucial. In order to meet the enormous needs in Ukraine, we must enable increased activity and investment from the private sector. This is supported by the Norwegian government, states Ms Cecilie Myrseth, Norway's Minister of Trade and Industry.

Minister Myrseth travelled to Kiev for a meeting with the ukranian Minister of Energy, Mr German Galusjenko, and for a meeting in the Norwegian-Ukrainian Commision on Trade, Business and Economic Cooperation, which they chair together.

Næringsminister Cecilie Myrseth og energiminister German Galusjenko leder den norsk-ukrainske økonomiske kommisjonen.
Næringsminister Cecilie Myrseth og energiminister German Galusjenko leder den norsk-ukrainske økonomiske kommisjonen.

- We are grateful to Norway for all the support they provide from the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion. We develop common projects not only in energy, but also in trade, business, IT, space industry and restoration. When we are talking about energy, Ukraine has a big potential. Our national strategy is to create an energy hub for Europe. We discussed not only the renewables, gas issues, nuclear safety and security points, but also cooperation on business to business level. It is very important that Norwegian businesses believes in Ukraine, and believes in our future, said Mr German Galusjenko, Ukraine's Minister of Energy.

Ukrainas energiminister German Galusjenko og næringsminister Cecilie Myrseth.
Ukrainas energiminister German Galusjenko og næringsminister Cecilie Myrseth.

The Norwegian delegation included representatives from Export Finance Norway (Eksfin), Innovation Norway, the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO), and the Norwegian-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce (NUCC). The delegation also included representatives from businesses such as Scatec, Moelven, Bergen Engines, Pelagia and Itera.

Områdedirektør Ida Kreutzer fra NHO, næringsminister Cecilie Myrseth og juridisk direktør i Eksfin, Ståle Torgersbråten.
Områdedirektør Ida Kreutzer fra NHO, næringsminister Cecilie Myrseth og juridisk direktør i Eksfin, Ståle Torgersbråten.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the Minister and her counterpart signed a Joint Statement outlining the direction for future cooperation.

Ukrainas energiminister German Galusjenko og næringsminister Cecilie Myrseth signerer en fellesuttalelse.
Ukrainas energiminister German Galusjenko og næringsminister Cecilie Myrseth signerer en fellesuttalelse.

- I've had good talks in Kiev with the Minister of Energy, Mr Galusjenko. A stronger energy partnership is an area where Norway possesses considerable expertise and a robust business sector. We will continue to work towards even closer ties between the business communities of Ukraine and Norway, which I believe this visit has also contributed to. We shall share knowledge and expertise and explore various other ways we can assist, states Myrseth.

Ukrainas finansminister Sergii Martsjenko og næringsminister Cecilie Myrseth møtes i bomberom for politiske samtaler.
Ukrainas finansminister Sergii Martsjenko og næringsminister Cecilie Myrseth møtes i bomberom for politiske samtaler.

In Kyiv, Minister Myrseth also met with the Ukrainian Minister of Finance, Sergii Marchenko.

- Our main message is that Norway and Norwegian businesses wish to contribute significantly to Ukraine’s struggle for freedom here and now, and to rebuild the country after the war is over, says Minister Myrseth.

The Norwegian government has informed the parliamentary leaders in Norway that it will propose to strengthen and extend the Nansen Program.