The Norwegian Government Strengthens and Renews Commitment to Gender Equality

The Government has presented a white paper on sexual harassment and the country's first strategy for gender equality between men and women.

‘When we came into government, our ambition was crystal clear: to intensify efforts for gender equality. Over the past three years, we have initiated efforts for more full-time positions, implemented gender balance in boards, established a men's equality commission, and strengthened the gender equality centres across the country. The goal has always been more freedom and opportunities for people to live the lives they desire. Now, we are setting the direction for further efforts’, said Minister of Culture and Equality Lubna Jaffery.

The White Paper on Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment can affect everyone, but women are particularly vulnerable. Additionally, young people, LGBT+ persons, people with disabilities, and those belonging to ethnic minorities are more at risk than the general population. This is especially true for women, but also for LGBT+ men. The Government aims to take stand against sexual harassment. The #MeToo movement was an important starting point, and the Government believes it is high time to coordinate and intensify efforts for a society free from sexual harassment.

The white paper outlines seven goals with corresponding measures to guide future work:

  • An equal society
  • Good and effective guidance and enforcement in cases of sexual harassment
  • A safe and decent working life free from sexual harassment
  • An educational setting free from sexual harassment
  • Culture and leisure activities, sports, and voluntary work free from sexual harassment
  • A digital life free from sexual harassment
  • More knowledge and research on sexual harassment

‘Sexual harassment costs too much, both for individuals and society as a whole. It cannot be viewed independently of other gender equality challenges in society. It is also about the efforts for a gender equal society, active gender equality work, efforts for a strong civil society, and good cooperation with the social partners', said Jaffery.

The Strategy for Equality between Women and Men 2025 - 2030

The Government is presenting the first-ever strategy for equality between women and men. The strategy serves as a framework to coordinate national efforts to address key challenges for gender equality. It sets the direction for the Government's comprehensive efforts and includes six main goals:

  • Economic independence and an equal working life
  • Fewer gender-segregated educational choices
  • A society free from violence, rape, sexual harassment, and online abuse
  • Freedom from negative social control and honour-based violence
  • Better health for women and men
  • An effective apparatus for equality

‘We will ensure that progress is made in the right direction. Therefore, we will annually monitor the developments in each of the strategy's six main goals. This is pioneering work that will allow us to monitor our progress and adjust efforts and introduce new measures if necessary’, said the Minister of Culture and Equality.