The Department of Welfare Policy

The Department of Welfare Policy is responsible for policies aimed at assuring income through sickness benefit, work assessment allowance, and disability pensions in the national insurance scheme, and through social security assistance.

The department has the following sections:

Section for Work Assessment Allowance and Social Services (SAS)

This section is responsible for work assessment allowance, the Social Services Act, and policy and professional development to improve the living conditions of socially and economically disadvantaged individuals. The section oversees the ministry’s management of the county governors and the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision and coordinates the department’s work with the management of the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Directorate.

Deputy Director General: Vibeke Trålim  

Section for Sickness Benefits and Inclusive Working Life (SIA)

This section is responsible for sickness benefits, care, training, and attendance benefits, and the follow-up of the IA Agreement. The section coordinates the department’s work on the budget, including the state budget, and efforts towards improved cooperation between health and labour services.

Deputy Director General: Ingvild Wold Strømsheim

Section for Disability Benefits and International Affairs (SUI)

This section is responsible for disability benefit, assistive/technical aids, and basic and attendance benefits. The section coordinates international affairs within the department ((EU/EEA, Council of Europe, UN, OECD, Nordic Council of Ministers) and the department’s R&D work, in addition to follow up on the ministry’s R&D dialogue with the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Directorate.

Deputy Director General: Sara Elisabeth Nordahl Bruvoll