Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
Tonje Brenna (Lab.)
The Minister of Labour and Social Inclusion
The Ministry is responsible for labour market policy, the working environment, pensions, integration policy and welfare policy.
Latest from the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
What's new
- Medical Evacuation from Gaza: Six Patients to Norway Press release 09/12/2024
- The Government is changing the rules: Norway will grant collective protection to fewer Ukrainians Press release 27/09/2024
- Speech at the plenary of the 112th International Labour Conference 2024 Speech/statement 08/06/2024
- Municipalities in Norway still very willing to settle refugees Press release 13/03/2024
- New measures to ensure continued control of immigration Press release 30/01/2024
- Migration and Integration 2023–2024 Report 14/02/2025
- The Norwegian Social Insurance Scheme 2025 Guidelines/brochures 30/01/2025
- NOU 2024: 3 - Joint efforts against extremism: Better conditions for preventive work Norwegian Official Report (NOU) 01/03/2024
- The Norwegian Government's Action Plan on Gender and Sexual Diversity (2023–2026) Plans/strategy 06/09/2023
- Migration and Integration 2021–2022 Report 16/01/2023
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