Department of Security Policy and Operations

The Department of Security Policy is responsible for the handling of questions of security policy as well as for the Ministry’s international activities and external relations in the field of security policy.

The Department of Security Policy is responsible for the handling of questions of security policy as well as for the Ministry’s international activities and external relations in the field of security policy.

This entails responsibility for the development of national security concepts and when  analysing security policy trends and threat assessments. In addition the department is responsible for the development and coordination of the Ministry’s policy regarding bilateral, regional and international security policy questions, as well as for the development of defence-related cooperation with allied and partner countries. Furthermore, the department takes care of Norway’s defence policy relations with NATO, EU, UN and OSCE. The department is responsible for organising, leading and coordinating crisis and incident management as well as dealing with legal questions of international law within the Ministry and across the sector as a whole.

The department consists of the following sections

  • Section for Security Policy Analysis

  • Section for Operations, Crisis Management and Preparedness

  • Section for International Security Policy and Defence Cooperation

  • Section for Intelligence Policy