Ministry of Finance

Jens Stoltenberg (Lab.)

Minister of Finance

The Ministry of Finance is responsible for planning and implementing the Norwegian economic policy and for coordinating the work with the Fiscal Budget.

IMF: Expect higher growth in the Norwegian economy

Press release 28/06/2024

Economic growth will strengthen gradually and real incomes will increase, improving most households’ purchasing power. This is one of the conclusions of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)’s yearly assessment of the Norwegian economy and Norwegian economic policy, which was presented at the Norwegian Ministry of Finance in Oslo today.

OECD logo

OECD on the Norwegian economy: High activity and lower inflation

Press release 20/06/2024

OECD today published their biannual survey of the Norwegian economy, with recommendations on how the government should face important challenges ahead. The survey points to increasing activity in the Norwegian economy. It also emphasises the importance of an efficient public sector to meet ongoing economic developments.

Illustrasjonsbilde. Foto: Colourbox

Government Pension Fund


The Ministry of Finance holds the overall responsibility for the management of the Government Pension Fund.

Internasjonal avtale

General tax conventions between Norway and other states

Liste A-Å

General tax conventions for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion,and other international agreements regarding tax matters.


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Visitor address: Akersgata 40, 0180 Oslo