
Showing 2001-2020 of 3525 results.

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  • Закон об охране окружающей природной среды архипелага Свальбард

    15/06/2001 Law Ministry of Climate and Environment

  • Business and industry


    The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries develops and implements policies and framework conditions for business and industry, trade and shipping. In addition to making active use of the instruments at its disposal, it is important that the

  • Pensions and welfare

    Topic Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Everyone shall have equal opportunities, rights and obligations to take part in society and make use of their resources, irrespective of economic or social background.

  • Internet voting trials

    29/08/2019 Article Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Internet voting pilots were carried out in a limited number of municipalities during the local election in 2011 and parliamentary election in 2013.

  • New ambassadors from Argentina, Sweden and Costa Rica

    25/04/2024 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Three ambassadors presented their letters of credence to His Majesty King Harald V on 25 April 2024.

  • On top of Europe – Norway, the Arctic and geopolitics: The Prime Minister's guest lecture for students at the PSIA at the Sciences Po

    14/05/2024 Speech/statement Office of the Prime Minister

    'Is Norway a small country or a big country? We are 5,5 million people, that is not many people. But we have the second largest coastline. We are the second largest exporter of fish. We are the main provider of energy to Europe, of gas, right now.

    By Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre Paris

  • The Prime Minister´s dinner speech at the One Ocean Summit’s dinner

    15/04/2024 Speech/statement Office of the Prime Minister

    ´Our governance should always be knowledge-based, science-founded. There will be no green shift, there will be no Paris goals reached, there will be no zero-emission society, if we do not focus on knowledge and science, said Prime Minister Jonas

    By Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre Statsraad Lehmkuhl, Bergen

  • Joint statement by Norway and partners: Escalating conflict in Myanmar

    24/05/2024 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Australia, Canada, the European Union, the Republic of Korea, Malta, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States released a statement on the escalating conflict in Myanmar.

  • Development cooperation

    Topic Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Government takes an integrated approach to Norway’s foreign and development policy. Our development policy is designed to promote economic development, democratisation, implementation of human rights, good governance and measures that can lift

  • Revised National Budget: The Norwegian Defence Boost Begins Now

    14/05/2024 News story Ministry of Defence

    The government's most fundamental task is to ensure the security of people living in Norway. Therefore, we prioritise defence, security, and preparedness, especially in a more serious security situation. In the revised national budget, the

  • Statement from Minister Eide on UNRWA

    17/06/2024 Speech/statement Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Statement from Foreign Minister Espen Barthe Eide at press conference on Norway increasing its support to UNRWA.

    By Minister of Foreign Affairs Espen Barth Eide

  • Norway will assist in the training of Ukrainian soldiers

    28/09/2022 News story Ministry of Defence

    Norway’s Minister of Defence Bjørn Arild Gram confirmed at the 11August donor conference for Ukraine, in Copenhagen, that Norway will contribute to training of Ukrainian soldiers in Great Britain.

  • Human rights

    Topic Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The promotion of human rights and democratic principles is at the heart of Norwegian foreign policy. This policy is implemented both in international forums such as the UN, the OSCE and the Council of Europe, and at country level.

  • Efforts to promote freedom of religion or belief

    08/02/2021 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Freedom of religion or belief means that all people have the freedom to practise their religion or belief, either alone or in community with others, in public or in private. It also covers the freedom to convert to another religion, to question

  • Parental responsibility, custody and access in cross-border cases

    19/12/2019 Article Ministry of Children and Families

    New rules on parental responsibility, international relocation, custody (the child's place of residence) and access (contact) in cross-border cases apply from 1 Juy 2016, due to the implementation of the 1996 Hague Child Protection Convention. This

  • Food and Consumers

    20/08/2015 Article Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    Norwegian consumers take a great interest in how food is produced, processed and traded in Norway, and consumer opinion is given considerable weight when formulating food policies.

  • Cultural cooperation in the High North

    13/06/2018 Article Ministry of Culture and Equality

    The Ministry of Culture supports cultural collaboration in Norway’s three northernmost counties, and internationally, through its funding of Norwegian-Russian cultural cooperation projects and other international initiatives.

  • Duration of Norwegian Governments 1814-

    28/06/2022 Article

    The list covers both the rather extensive government periods 1814-1884 and the parliamentary dependent governments since 1884 - the year when the introduction of parliamentarism began in Norway.

  • The UN Global Compact

    05/10/2012 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The UN Global Compact seeks to advance 10 principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, which all socially responsible companies should follow. All companies that have joined the Global Compact are expected to

  • How state ownership is exercised

    03/02/2023 Article Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    The Government’s ambition is that the Norwegian State’s exercise of ownership shall be in accordance with the best international practice. The State shall be an active owner with a long-term perspective in line with good and responsible private

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