
Showing 2221-2240 of 3524 results.

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  • Meld. St. 19 (2016–2017) - Experiencing Norway – a unique adventure

    Meld. St. 19 (2016–2017) Report to the Storting (white paper)

    17/03/2017 Report to the Storting Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

  • Report on cases of financial irregularities in 2016

    Foreign Service Control Unit

    10/03/2017 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Foreign Service Control Unit in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has made a review of cases involving breaches of rules in the Foreign Service 2016.

  • The Right to Decide about One’s Own Life

    08/03/2017 Plans/strategy Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    An Action Plan to Combat Negative Social Control, Forced Marriage and Female Genital Mutilation 2017-2020.

  • Pensions and social security

    06/03/2017 Article Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    The pension system in Norway consists of pensions from the national insurance scheme, to which everyone is entitled, and various supplementary pensions.

  • The United Kingdom withdrawal from the EU: Initial assessment – selected points

    06/03/2017 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The UK has decided to leave the EU. It will begin the withdrawal process by invoking Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty by the end of March 2017. Norway will not be a party to the forthcoming withdrawal negotiations between the UK and the EU. However,

  • Meld. St. 18 (2016–2017) - Urban sustainability and rural strength – in brief

    Meld. St. 18 (2016–2017) Report to the Storting (white paper)

    17/02/2017 Report to the Storting Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

  • Key Figures 2017: Overview and rates of direct and indirect taxes

    13/02/2017 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Finance

    Key figures for the Norwegian economy, main figures of the Fiscal Budget and rates of direct and indirect taxes.

  • NOU 2017: 4 - Sharing Economy

    – Opportunities and challenges

    06/02/2017 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Finance

    The Solberg Government appointed the Sharing Economy Committee by Royal Decree on 4 March 2016. Professor Tommy Staahl Gabrielsen (University of Bergen) chaired the Committee. In its mandate, the Committee was asked to evaluate opportunities and

  • Defence

    Topic Ministry of Defence

    The principal objective of Norwegian security policy is to safeguard Norway’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and political freedom of action.

  • NOU 2017: 2 - Integration and trust

    Long-term consequences of high immigration – Translation of chapter 1.1.

    01/02/2017 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    This report highlights the socio-economic impact of immigration. Furthermore, it discusses to which extent a persistent high level of immigration may influence solidarity and trust in Norway and the importance of differences in terms of culture and

  • Meld. St. 16 (2016–2017) - Quality Culture in Higher Education

    27/01/2017 Report to the Storting Ministry of Education and Research

    The following text is the first chapter of Meld. St. 16 (2016-2017). The text outlines the main objectives, as well as the Government’s expectations of higher education institutions concerning their work on raising quality in higher education, and

  • Letter of reply from EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) concerning posting of workers

    26/01/2017 Letter Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Letter of reply from EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) to The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs' letter of 20 January 2017 concerning the rules on general application of coverage of costs for travel, board and lodging in the shipbuilding

  • Letter of formal notice to Norway concerning posting of workers – reply from the Norwegian Government

    20/01/2017 Letter Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Reply to EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) from The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs concerning the rules on general application of coverage of costs for travel, board and lodging in the shipbuilding industry.

  • Immigration and Immigrants 2015–2016

    IMO Report for Norway

    19/01/2017 Report Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ministry of Children and Families, Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Report from Norway to the OECD with statistics on migration and on the composition of immigrants and their Norwegian-born children.

  • Bane NOR SF

    External organization Ministry of Transport

    Bane NOR SF is a public enterprise owned by the Ministry of Transport. Bane NOR SF's main task is keeping the railway infrastructure functioning normally and available for passengers and cargo transport on the national railway network. The

    Web page:

  • Road Supervisory Authority

    External organization Ministry of Transport

    The task of the Road Supervisory Authority is to monitor and inspect the Norwegian Public Roads Administration and the state-owned construction company Nye Veier AS (New Roads Corporation).

    Web page:

  • Action plan against antisemitism

    09/01/2017 Plans/strategy Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    The Action Plan against Antisemitism is part of the government's general efforts to combat discrimination, racism and hate speech.

  • Request for an extension of the time limit for submitting observations

    20/12/2016 Letter Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Request for an extension of the time limit for submitting observations concerning posting of workers.

  • Map of the coastal route Bergen-Kirkenes

    16/12/2016 Article Ministry of Transport

  • Condolences to the Coptic Pope

    14/12/2016 Letter Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Børge Brende has extended his condolences to pope Tawadros II following the attack on the Coptic church in Cairo Sunday 11 December.

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