
Showing 2261-2280 of 3524 results.

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  • Green Competitiveness

    Executive summary of report from the Norwegian Government’s Expert Committee for Green Competitiveness

    28/10/2016 Report Ministry of Climate and Environment

    Download executive summary (pdf) The expert committee have consisted of Connie Hedegaard and Idar Kreutzer. Hedegaard has previously been European Commissioner for Climate Action and Minister of Climate and Energy in Denmark. Idar Kreutzer is

  • Response to the European Commission’s Consultation on the Review of the EU Macro-Prudential Policy Framework

    24/10/2016 Letter Ministry of Finance

    The Norwegian Ministry of Finance, Finanstilsynet and Norges Bank welcome the opportunity to provide a common feedback on the EU macroprudential policy framework.

  • Letter to the European Commisson on temporary border controls

    20/10/2016 Letter Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    Dear Vice-President, dear Commissioner,

  • Severity of illness and priority setting in Norway

    Summary of a report from a working group, November 2015

    20/10/2016 Report Ministry of Health and Care Services

    In 2015, the Government appointed a working group with the specific task of determining how to assess severity of illness in practical priority setting in the health care sector. The working group submitted its report to the Ministry of Health in

  • NOU 2016: 20 - Official Norwegian Report – The Equity Share of the Government Pension Fund Global

    Unofficial translation of chapter 1

    18/10/2016 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Finance

  • Proposal to give a mountain peak to Finland

    14/10/2016 Letter Office of the Prime Minister

    Letter from Prime Minister Erna Solberg to Svein O. Leiros, Mayor of Kåfjord municipality.

  • Complaints against Norway relating to reporting obligations when contracts are given to non-resident contractors

    12/10/2016 Letter Ministry of Finance

    The Norwegian Tax Assessment Act (TAA) § 5-6 and Regulation on Third Party Reporting Obligation ("Third Party Regulation") § 5-6-1- to § 5-6-6.

  • Economic Policy

    Topic Ministry of Finance

    The Ministry of Finance and numerous associated institutions report on the condition of the Norwegian economy. On this page you can find some of the most important sources of information about the subject.

  • The National Budget

    Topic Ministry of Finance

    This page contain information about Norway's National Budget, presented to the Storting. The National Budget presents the Government's programme for the implementation of economic policy and projections for the Norwegian Economy.

  • EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021: Priority sectors and programme areas

    26/09/2016 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The EEA and Norway Grants are allocated to sectors that are crucial for development in the beneficiary country, and where there is potential for and interest in cooperation with Norway. The five areas identified for funding both supplement and

  • Carbon Neutral Norway

    20/09/2016 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Climate and Environment

    Norwegian Carbon Credit Procurement Program

  • NOU 2016: 14 - More to gain

    Better learning for students with higher learning potential

    15/09/2016 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Education and Research

    Report from the Committee appointed by Royal Decree on 18 September 2015. Submitted to the Ministry of Education and Research on 15 September 2016.

  • Public Participation in Planning

    12/09/2016 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    How to Facilitate Increased Public Participation and Influence in Municipal and Regional Plannning pursuant to the Planning and Building Act.

  • Facebook management’s response to censorship of posts

    10/09/2016 Letter Office of the Prime Minister

    Letter from Sheryl Sandberg, Chief operating officer at Facebook, to Prime Minister Erna Solberg.

  • The background of Norwegian Carbon Credit Program

    06/09/2016 Article Ministry of Climate and Environment

    The Norwegian carbon credit procurement program was set up in 2007 to ensure that Norway would be able to meet its target in the first commitment period of the Kyoto protocol (2008-2012). The responsibility for the program was initially assigned to

  • Consultation paper on globalisation and increased competition in civil aviation

    Challenges and possible consequences for norwegian aviation

    02/08/2016 Report Ministry of Transport

    Report: Consultation paper on globalisation and increased competition in civil aviation (pdf).

  • Electricity

    Topic Ministry of Energy

    A reliable supply of electricity is crucial in modern society. In business and industry, the public service sector and households, reliable access to electricity is a matter of course.

  • Power supply

    27/07/2016 Article Ministry of Energy

    The Ministry of Energy has the overall responsibility for managing the power supply in Norway.

  • The power market and prices

    26/07/2016 Article Ministry of Energy

    The market price of power, which is determined each day on the Nord Pool Spot power exchange, is a result of supply and demand. Norway is part of a common Nordic power market and is integrated with the power market in Europe.

  • Power supply and the electricity grid

    26/07/2016 Article Ministry of Energy

    A secure and reliable power supply is essential in any modern society. Norway has an extensive electricity grid for the transmission of power from producers to consumers.

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