
Showing 2421-2440 of 3521 results.

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  • Fra idé til verdi - Regjeringens plan for en helhetlig innovasjonspolitikk (pdf)

    21/10/2003 Report Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    Fra idé til verdi – Regjeringens plan for en helhetlig innovasjonspolitikk (.pdf)

  • The Planning and Building Act

    04/04/2005 Rules Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Act of 14 June 1985 No. 77, with amendments in force 1 April 2005 (04.04.2005)

  • T-1354 The Sustainable Cities Programme

    08/01/2001 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    The Sustainable Cities Programme The Sustainable Cities Programme in Norway was initiated by the Ministry of the Environment in 1993 and has been an experimental development project in five urban municipalities (Fredrikstad, Kristiansand, Bergen,

  • Invtation to tender - regional air services (helicopter) Værøy–Bodø

    05/09/2013 Call for tender Ministry of Transport

    The Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communications invites to an open tender procedure for regional scheduled air services on the helicopter route Værøy - Bodø v.v during the period 1 August 2014 to 31 July 2019.

  • Conference report "Right-wing Extremism and Hate Crime"

    11/06/2013 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    In May 2013, international experts and stakeholders gathered in Oslo for a two-day conference on right-wing extremism and hate crime directed towards minorities in Europe and beyond. Now you can read the report from the conference.

  • The National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

    14/01/2020 Plans/strategy Ministry of Digitalisation and Public Governance

    The Norwegian AI (Artificial Intelligence) Strategy.

  • Norway’s Eighth National Communication

    Under the Framework Convention on Climate Change

    12/04/2023 Report Ministry of Climate and Environment

    This report is Norway’s eighth national communication on national circumstances, policies and measures related to climate change under the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

  • Norwegian control mechanism to improve security of electricity supply

    27/01/2023 Press release Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Energy

    The Norwegian Government is introducing a control mechanism including statutory responsibilities for hydropower producers to safeguard security of electricity supply.

  • Web TV

    The Healthcare Personnel Commission delivers its report

    02/02/2023 Press release Ministry of Health and Care Services

    On Thursday 2 February, the Minister of Health and Care Services, Ingvild Kjerkol, delivered the Healthcare Personnel Commission’s report titled Time to Act: Personnel in a sustainable health and care service.

  • Enormous humanitarian needs after earthquake in Türkiye and Syria

    06/02/2023 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    ‘This is an immense tragedy. My condolences go to all those who have lost loved ones, and I am sending warm thoughts to all those who have been injured or affected’ said Minister of Foreign Affairs Anniken Huitfeldt.

  • New ambassadors from Kuwait, China, Pakistan and Maldives

    26/01/2023 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Four new ambassadors to Norway presented their letters of credence to His Majesty King Harald V on 26 January 2023.

  • New ambassadors from Georgia, Cyprus, Djibouti and Bangladesh

    17/03/2023 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Four new ambassadors to Norway presented their letters of credence to His Majesty King Harald V on 16 March 2023.

  • Norway to provide NOK 3.3 billion to new, record-high financing package for world’s poorest countries

    21/12/2021 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    ‘The World Bank’s International Development Association is the international community’s largest single channel for multilateral aid. The IDA20 replenishment is crucial to prevent a sudden decline in the World Bank’s assistance to the poorest

  • The Norwegian Government is introducing measures to limit the spread of a new virus variant to Norway

    30/11/2021 News story Ministry of Health and Care Services, Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    The Norwegian Government is introducing several measures with immediate effect to limit and delay the spread of the new virus variant that was detected in South Africa.

  • Changes among the state secretaries

    14/10/2022 Press release Office of the Prime Minister

    In today’s Council of State, The King has appointed Ms. Ellen Reitan as state secretary to Minister of Finance, Mr. Trygve Magnus Slagsvold Vedum.

  • New state secretaries

    17/12/2021 Press release Office of the Prime Minister

    In today’s Council of State, The King has appointed Mr. Christian Anton Smedshaug as acting state secretary to Minister of Climate and Environment Espen Barth Eide, in the period that state secretary Aleksander Øren Heen settles parental leave,

  • Norway increases humanitarian funding for acute crises

    08/12/2021 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    ‘Norway is increasing its annual contribution to the UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) to NOK 450 million over the next four years. This will create greater predictability and enhance the effectiveness of humanitarian efforts,’ said Minister

  • Joint statement by the Nordic Ministers of Defence

    30/09/2022 News story Ministry of Defence

    The Nordic Defence Ministers had a video-conference today about the Nord Stream pipelines. Here is their joint statement.

  • Donation of artillery systems to Ukraine

    02/10/2022 News story Ministry of Defence

    Statement by the Norwegian, German, Slovakian and Danish Ministers of Defence regarding donation of artillery systems to Ukraine.

  • Parental agreements and disputes. Immigration law

    19/12/2019 Article Ministry of Children and Families

    The principle of the child's best interests is safeguarded in the formulation of the Immigration legislation and the child’s best interests are also emphasised in cases pursuant to this law.

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