
Showing 2441-2460 of 3521 results.

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  • Public transport

    Topic Ministry of Transport

    The responsibility for local public transport services is split between the state, county councils and the municipal authorities. The state bears the overall responsibility for transport policy, stipulates framework conditions, finances key

  • Roads

    Topic Ministry of Transport

    A wide-reaching and well maintained road network is one of the important premises for road safety, wealth creation and developing and sustaining demographics nationwide.

  • The railways

    Topic Ministry of Transport

    The railways shall provide an environmentally friendly and attractive transport solution for both passengers and goods. Safety and fully operational services in rail traffic has high priority.

  • Electronic communication

    Topic Ministry of Digitalisation and Public Governance

    There must be access to good and affordable teleservices nationwide. Efficient and sustainable competition in the electronic communications markets shall contribute to achieving this.

  • Immigration and immigrants 2013-2014

    International migration 2013-2014 - Report from Norway to OECD

    04/12/2014 Report Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Annually Norway sends a report to the OECD – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The report “International Migration 2013-2014 – IMO report for Norway” is a contribution to the reporting system on migration for the OECD countries

  • Forestry

    Topic Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    Forest industry is important to Norway. Active and profitable forestry and a competitive forest industry is of importance to settlement, employment and business development in large parts of the country. The potential for increased value creation is

  • Bioenergy

    03/12/2014 Article Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    Increased production and use of bioenergy is a high priority in Norway. Bioenergy is recovered from several types of biomass - among them forest-generated raw materials.

  • Forestry

    03/12/2014 Article Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    The potential for increased value creation is large.Forestry policy must facilitate sustainable resource management, where harvesting does not exceed the regrowth rate, and take into account other essential functions of forests - as wildlife habitat

  • Preservation of cultural landscapes

    03/12/2014 Article Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    Agriculture contributes to the upkeep and preservation of cultural landscapes, a significant national asset, characterized by cultural and natural diversity.

  • Reallocation of farmland

    03/12/2014 Article Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    Sometimes it is necessary to reallocate agricultural land in order to meet other national requirements.

  • Soil conservation

    03/12/2014 Article Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    Soil conservation aims to safeguard that it is possible for the population, now and in the future, to grow their own food on their own soil.

  • Archives, libraries and museums

    Topic Ministry of Culture and Equality

    Ministry of Culture and Equality maintains the overall national responsibility for archives, libraries and museums.

  • NOU 2014: 13 - Capital Taxation in an International Economy

    02/12/2014 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Finance

    Official Norwegian Report (NOU) 2014:13 Chapter 1

  • The City as a resource

    01/12/2014 Report Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    The report "The City as a resource" is giving an overview of the experiences with the programme Cities of the future 2008-2014.

  • The use of the Sámi language in the public administration

    24/11/2014 Article Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Active and wider use of the Sámi language is a very important element in the further development of Sámi culture. Similarly, it is also important that the Sámi language is used in the public context.

  • Norway’s Arctic Policy for 2014 and beyond - a Summary

    10/11/2014 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The world is turning its attention towards the Arctic now more than at any time in the past. The Arctic is a region of significant and increasing geopolitical importance. It is key to our ability to understand and manage climate change, and its

  • Norway's arctic policy

    10/11/2014 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The report "Norway's arctic policy: Creating value, managing resources, confronting climate change and fostering knowledge. Developments in the Arctic concern us all." was presented by Prime Minister Erna Solberg and Minister of Foreign Affairs, 

  • Recommendations 17 October 2012 and 11 September 2014 regarding the company Soco International plc.

    03/11/2014 Article

    On 17 October 2012, the Council on Ethics recommended the exclusion of the company SOCO International plc. (SOCO) from the Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG). SOCO has an 85 per cent share in, and is the operator of, a joint venture engaged in

  • Norway’s humanitarian policy

    Annual report 2013

    31/10/2014 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    War and conflict again had an enormous human cost in 2013. Lives were lost, people were seriously injured and children’s schooling was interrupted. Millions of displaced persons lacked food, water and shelter. All this was the consequence of

  • NOU 2014: 10 - Criminal Capacity, Expertise and Societal Protection

    English Translation, Excerpts

    28/10/2014 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Justice and Public Security

  • Page 123 of 177
  • Page 123 of 177