
Showing 261-280 of 3521 results.

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  • The Government wants to reinforce national control to strengthen the Norwegian community of families on Svalbard

    31/05/2024 Press release Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    The Government today presented a new Report to the Storting (the Norwegian Parliament) on Svalbard. The Government wants to strengthen the Norwegian community of families in Longyearbyen and shore up governmental control of important infrastructure.

  • Management plans for marine areas

    11/10/2021 Article Ministry of Climate and Environment

    The purpose of the management plans is to facilitate value creation while also maintaining natural diversity. The Ministry of Climate and Environment is responsible for work with the management plans. Marine management is important in Norway, we

  • Changes among the state secretaries

    25/06/2024 Press release Office of the Prime Minister

    In today’s Council of State, The King has appointed Mr. Stein Mathisen as acting state secretary to Minister of Transport Jon-Ivar Nygård, in the period that state secretary, Mr. Bent-Joacim Bentzen, settles parental leave.

  • The Holberg Prize

    14/03/2024 Article Ministry of Education and Research

    The Holberg Prize recognises path-breaking scientific work in the humanities, social sciences, law and theology. The prize shall in addition contribute to raising the status of these disciplines in society and to stimulating interest in these fields

  • Instruction GI-06/2024 – Rejection of Russian citizens with Schengen visas for tourist purposes and other non-essential travel, in accordance with section 126, first paragraph of the Immigration Act

    27/05/2024 Circular Ministry of Justice and Public Security

  • Lithuania withdraws from Convention on Cluster Munitions

    18/07/2024 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    ‘It is regrettable that Lithuania has taken the decision today to withdraw from the Convention on Cluster Munitions. Even though the security situation in Europe has changed due to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, it is vital that states

  • NOU 2016: 14 - More to gain

    Better learning for students with higher learning potential

    15/09/2016 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Education and Research

    Report from the Committee appointed by Royal Decree on 18 September 2015. Submitted to the Ministry of Education and Research on 15 September 2016.

  • Meld. St. 8 (2019–2020) - The state’s direct ownership of companies

    Meld. St. 8 (2019–2020) Report to the Storting (white paper)

    22/11/2019 Report to the Storting Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    In the white paper on ownership policy, the Government describes why the state has direct ownership interests in companies, what the state owns and how the state exercises its ownership.

  • National minorities

    Topic Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Groups with a long-standing attachment to the country are defined as national minorities. In Norway these minorities are: Kvens/Norwegian Finns (people of Finnish descent in Northern Norway), Jews, Forest Finns, Roma and Romani people/Taters.

  • About the Ministry

    22/10/2019 Article Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    The Ministry is responsible for matters relating to housing and building policy, local government finances, rural and regional policy, local administration, the conduct of elections, Sami and minority affairs, management tasks under the Planning and

  • Use of wood

    09/04/2024 Article Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    Wood is a renewable and climate friendly raw material that is increasingly in demand. It is a goal to increase the use of wood to replace materials with a more detrimental impact on the climate.

  • Can you travel or relocate with your child to another country?

    26/08/2013 Article Child abduction

    If you live with your child in Norway and are considering travelling or relocating to another country, it is important that you make sure you do so lawfully.

  • Useful links

    07/10/2021 Article Ministry of Energy

    Information on Europe

  • Postal services

    Topic Ministry of Transport

    Postal services in Norway shall ensure that all citizens have access to high quality basic postal services. This is achieved through legislation and concessions.

  • Child abduction is a criminal offence

    06/08/2013 Article Child abduction

    Child abduction is regulated under Section 216 of the Norwegian General Civil Penal Code. Abduction from the person who has parental responsibility is a criminal offence. It is also an offence to abduct a child from the Child Welfare Services or

  • The Norwegian Council of State

    18/08/2014 Article

    Meetings of the Norwegian Council of State are generally held on Fridays at 11:00 at the Royal Palace in Oslo.

  • International visitors program – local elections in Norway, September 9, 2019

    06/09/2019 Article Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Norway is holding elections to municipal councils and county councils on Monday September 9 2019. The Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation is organising a visitors program for international guests from election management bodies and

  • Reply to Reasoned Opinion related to case no. 80103, 79661, 81375 and 81656 dated 29th of April 2020 - Directive 2005/36

    29/09/2020 Letter Ministry of Health and Care Services

    Read the Ministry of Helath and care Services reply til EFTA Surveillance Authoritys (PDF)

  • Due diligence

    05/10/2012 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    According to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises due diligence is to be understood as a process through which enterprises can identify, prevent, mitigate and account for how they address their actual and potential adverse impacts.

  • Investment Strategy

    17/04/2023 Article Ministry of Finance

    The objective of Fund investments is to achieve the highest possible return over time, given an acceptable level of risk. The Fund shall be managed responsibly within this overarching financial objective.

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