
Showing 3121-3140 of 3521 results.

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  • The High North


    The world is turning its attention towards the North where Norway has key interests to pursue. By investing in knowledge, business development and international cooperation we are strengthening Norway’s position as a responsible actor and partner in

  • Report: Equivalence and Mutual Recognition in Trade Arrangements

    06/02/2007 Article Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    - Relevance for the WTO and the Codex Alimentarius Commission

  • Ethical Guidelines for the Public Service

    06/02/2007 Guidelines Ministry of Digitalisation and Public Governance

    High ethical standards for the provision of services and the exercise of authority are a prerequisite if the citizenry is to trust the public service. The goal of these general ethical guidelines is to ensure that all State employees are aware of

  • State ownership

    Topic Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    The state is an extensive owner of companies in Norway. The state has direct ownership, managed through the ministries, in 69 companies.

  • NOU 2006 nr. 19: Academic freedom -

    05/02/2007 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Education and Research

    Background for Norway’s work on academic freedom, individual rights and institutional management needs.

  • EEA and Norway Grants

    Topic Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    These pages provide information on Norway's contribution to reducing social and economic disparities within the European Economic Area (EEA).

  • Development cooperation

    Topic Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Government takes an integrated approach to Norway’s foreign and development policy. Our development policy is designed to promote economic development, democratisation, implementation of human rights, good governance and measures that can lift

  • Human rights

    Topic Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The promotion of human rights and democratic principles is at the heart of Norwegian foreign policy. This policy is implemented both in international forums such as the UN, the OSCE and the Council of Europe, and at country level.

  • Kindergarten

    Topic Ministry of Education and Research

    Kindergartens in Norway are pedagogical institutions providing early childhood education and care for children aged 0-5 years. Children start compulsory school the year they turn six.

  • Security policy

    Topic Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The primary objective of Norwegian security policy is to safeguard Norway’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and political freedom of action. A broad set of political, military, diplomatic, economic and international legal instruments is used to

  • Research

    Topic Ministry of Education and Research

    Research is central to the development of a sustainable society, where knowledge is the key to new, green and profitable jobs, and a better and more efficient public sector.

  • Stop Human Trafficking

    17/01/2007 Plans/strategy Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    The Government has presented a new plan of action against trafficking in human beings. The plan contains stronger and updated measures that will be implemented from 2006 - 2009.

  • Outcome of debate: Youth delegates suggest guidelines for future efforts pertaining to young people, migration and development

    16/01/2007 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Outcome of debate: Youth delegates suggest guidelines for future efforts pertaining to young people, migration and development 16.01.07 Terminology We should avoid the term “illegal immigrant”. Immigrants may be unregistered or not have documents,

  • The Sami people

    Topic Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    The state shall take steps to ensure that the Sami people can further develop and strengthen their own culture, their own language and their own business and industry and community life.

  • National minorities

    Topic Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Groups with a long-standing attachment to the country are defined as national minorities. In Norway these minorities are: Kvens/Norwegian Finns (people of Finnish descent in Northern Norway), Jews, Forest Finns, Roma and Romani people/Taters.

  • The Norwegian System of Compensation to Patients

    External organization Ministry of Health and Care Services

    The Norwegian System of Patient Injury Compensation, NPE, is a public agency under the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services.

    Web page:

  • Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority

    External organization Ministry of Health and Care Services

    Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority is the government authority for radiation protection and nuclear saftey.

    Web page:

  • The Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research - SIRUS

    External organization Ministry of Health and Care Services

    The National Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research is an independent research institute.

    Web page:

  • Norwegian Board of Health Supervision

    External organization Ministry of Health and Care Services

    Norwegian Board of Health Supervision has the overall responsibility for the supervision of health and social services in Norway.

    Web page:

  • United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children

    02/01/2007 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children Key Messages Violence against children is not inevitable. It can and must be prevented. Every child has the right to a life free from violence. Violence against children can never

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