
Showing 501-520 of 3520 results.

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  • Cooperation on foreign and security policy

    07/01/2022 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway and the EU cooperate closely in the area of foreign policy. Working together increases our ability to promote shared values and interests effectively.

  • List of lawyers in child abduction cases

    19/09/2023 Article Child abduction

    The Norwegian Ministry of Justice and the Public Security has established a list of lawyers in child abduction cases, so that affected parents quickly can get in touch with a lawyer with particular competence and knowledge about child abduction.

  • History of the Ministry of Culture and Equality

    16/01/2024 Article Ministry of Culture and Equality

    The Ministry of Culture and Equality was established in 1982 under the name Ministry of Culture and Science. Prior to that date, the Ministry of Church and Education bore national responsibility for Norwegian cultural affairs. Since then, the

  • Diplomatic relations

    01/09/2023 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Oslo Diplomatic List Diplomat in Norway. The purpose of this booklet is to provide information to diplomats and their families on how the various privileges and immunities under the Vienna Conventions are implemented in Norway, and to offer

  • Reindeer husbandry

    14/03/2023 Article Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    Reindeer husbandry as an industry, culture and way of life is unique, both nationally and internationally.

  • About the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    08/11/2019 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Ministry's Organisational Chart Where is the Ministry? Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Victoria Terrasse, Oslo. Photo: P. Foss, MFA The Ministry’s tasks The essential task of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to work for Norway’s interests

  • Norwegian War Graves Service

    29/11/2023 Article Ministry of Culture and Equality

    The history, tasks and organisation of the Norwegian War Graves Service.

  • State-ownership in the energy sector

    01/01/2022 Article Ministry of Energy

    In the government’s view, private ownership should be the main rule in Norwegian business and industry. Direct state ownership requires a special justification.

  • To/from a Non-Contracting State

    26/08/2013 Article Child abduction


  • Guidelines on Norway’s human rights policy

    11/10/2013 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The promotion of human rights is a key component of Norway’s foreign and development policy. As part of its efforts to ensure an integrated human rights policy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has published several sets of guidelines on different

  • Monetary policy

    20/08/2014 Article Ministry of Finance

    The current regulation on monetary policy was established 29 March 2001 in a white paper to the parliament (Report No. 29 (2000-2001). Norges Bank’s operational implementation of monetary policy shall be aimed at low and stable inflation, defined as

  • Frequently asked questions

    06/08/2013 Article Child abduction

    Where is your child? Contact your nearest police station for advice on whether your child should be reported as missing and whether an international search notice should be issued. You can read more about searching for a child/abductor under

  • Norges Bank's work on responsible investing

    27/01/2022 Article Ministry of Finance

    The aim of Norges Bank's responsible investing activities is to promote long-term value creation and to contribute to good corporate governance and responsible business conduct. In its management of the GPFG, Norges Bank shall emphasise the fund's

  • Meld. St. 34 (2015–2016) - Principles for priority setting in health care

    Summary of a white paper on priority setting in the Norwegian health care sector

    03/06/2016 Report to the Storting Ministry of Health and Care Services

    Summary of a report from a working group, November 2015: Severity of illness and priority setting in Norway

  • Report No. 47 to the Storting (2008-2009) - The Coordination Reform

    Proper treatment – at the right place and right time

    19/06/2009 Report to the Storting Ministry of Health and Care Services

  • Indigenous peoples’ rights

    20/04/2015 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Promoting the rights of indigenous peoples internationally is an important part of Norway’s human rights policy.

  • Bioenergy

    03/12/2014 Article Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    Increased production and use of bioenergy is a high priority in Norway. Bioenergy is recovered from several types of biomass - among them forest-generated raw materials.

  • Prime Minister in Stockholm - Time in Office

    11/06/2014 Article

    Name From To Years Months Days 1. Kierulf, Otto Richard (Norway's Prime Minister 1871-1873) 21.07.1873 11.10.1880 7 2 20 11.10.1880 21.03.1884 3 5 10 10 8 0 2. Gram, Gregers 13.07.1889 06.03.1891 1 7 21 02.05.1893 14.10.1895 2 5

  • Conference against Radicalization and Violent Extremism

    14/12/2014 Article Radikalisering

    Thursday 6 November 2014, the Ministry hosted the Conference against Radicalization and Violent Extremism. The Minister of Justice and public Security, Mr. Anders Anundsen, opened the Conference.

  • The Nidaros Cathedral's Restoration Workshop

    External organization Ministry of Culture and Equality

    The primary objective of the Nidaros Cathedral's Restoration Workshop (known as NDR in Norwegian) is to preserve, disseminate and develop Nidaros Cathedral and the Archbishop's Palace as vibrant cultural monuments and church buildings.

    Web page:

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