News and press releases

Latest news from the Ministries and the Office of the Prime Minister can be found here.

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  • Expert group tasked with looking at how artificial intelligence can influence democratic elections

    10/06/2024 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    2024 is a historic election year. Never before have so many voters gone to the polls all over the world. At the same time, artificial intelligence (AI) is developing rapidly, which may increase the spread of disinformation and have an undesirable

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    New white paper highlights Sámi perspectives in public health work

    19/03/2024 News story Ministry of Health and Care Services, Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    The Government believes that public health policy has paid too little attention to factors that affect public health and living conditions in the Sámi population. This will change with the white paper that was passed in the Council of State on

  • Norway steps up efforts to combat anti-Semitism

    08/11/2023 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Jews in Norway continue to experience hostile attitudes and anti-Semitism, and in recent weeks the extent of these incidents has increased in the wake of the war in Gaza. The Government has now announced a new action plan against anti-Semitism that

  • Norway remains committed to an open, global, and free Internet

    08/10/2023 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Norway is actively engaged in Internet Governance and cooperates closely with other states and actors. The overall vision is that the Internet needs to continue to be an open and free arena where everyone can freely give and receive information and

  • Web TV

    Shutdown of e-mail solution following cyberattack

    15/08/2023 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    A new e-mail solution is being deployed for employees at 12 ministries today and the old e-mail solution is being shut down. This is an important and necessary security measure following a cyberattack on the ICT system for the 12 ministries.

  • Web TV

    Ministries hit by cyber-attacks

    24/07/2023 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    The Norwegian Government Security and Service Organisation (DSS) has detected a cyber-attack on the ICT platform used by 12 ministries. The matter is currently being investigated by the police.

  • Norway bids to host Internet Governance Forum 2025

    25/04/2023 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Norwegian government announced today its bid to host the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in 2025. The IGF is a global platform for multistakeholder discussions on internet governance and policy. Norway aims to unite the international community

  • Norwegian businesses and organisations donating digital equipment to Ukraine

    20/05/2022 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    “Being able to communicate with loved ones by phone or via the internet is essential for temporarily dispaced citizens in Norway and for people still in Ukraine. I am therefore very pleased that Norwegian businesses and organisations are donating

  • Proposal aims to make it easier to find homes for Ukrainian refugees

    29/04/2022 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    The government has put forward a proposal to introduce emergency powers in the Planning and Building Act to speed up the process of welcoming and finding homes for refugees from Ukraine.

  • The Norwegian Government proposes allocating a further NOK 200 million to increase digital security in 2022

    01/04/2022 Press release Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Russia’s attack on Ukraine has created a new security policy situation, which also means that digital attacks against Norway have become more likely. ‘We must strengthen civil emergency preparedness against cyber attacks, and the Norwegian

  • The Norwegian Government wants to strengthen civil emergency preparedness

    01/04/2022 Press release Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    The Norwegian Government is following up its political platform regarding increasing emergency preparedness. The situation in Ukraine has intensified tensions and created uncertainty, making it necessary to implement civil measures quickly. Today