Expert group – AI and elections

The Government has appointed a fast-working expert group tasked with gathering experience of the 2024 elections and making recommendations on how Norway can prepare for the general election in 2025.

Niels Nagelhus Schia leads the expert group. He is the head of the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs’ Research Centre on New Technology.

The expert group will provide a knowledge status and specific recommendations to the Ministry on measures that can be implemented before the 2025 general election.

The working group members:

  • Niels Nagelhus Schia (Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI))
  • Bente Kalsnes (Kristiania University College)
  • Lars Raaum (Norwegian Media Business’ Association)
  • Helle Sjøvaag (University of Stavanger)
  • Heidrun Åm (Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU))
  • Julie Ødegaard Borge (NLA University College Bergen)
  • Rune Karlsen (University of Oslo)
  • Anne Sofie Molandsveen (NORCAP – Norwegian Refugee Council)

The expert group aims to present the results of its work by 31 December 2024.