Enova SF is a state enterprise owned by the Ministry of Climate and Environment.

Established in 2001, its task is to promote a shift towards more environmentally friendly energy consumption and production, as well as the development of energy and climate technology. Enova's activities should strengthen energy security of supply as well as reducing greenhouse gas emissions. With the the transport sector being added to Enova's areas of responsibility in 2015 , Enovas activities now cover the majority of energy use and GHG emissions in Norway.

Enova is governed according to the principles of goal attainment and performance targets. A four-year agreement between Enova and the Ministry governs its activities. Enova's work is funded by the Energy Fund, which is financed mainly via an additional charge on the net tariffs and the proceeds from the “Fund for Climate, Renewable Energy and Energy Transition”. This model ensures a long-term, predictable and stable source of financing enabling Enova to address the market barriers hindering the introduction of energy and climate efficient technologies and solutions. In 2016 the Energy Fund will be provided with around NOK 2.3 billion.

Web page: https://www.enova.no/about-enova/