
The Ministry of Culture and Equality is divided into five departments, The Communication Unit and The Minister’s secretariat.
  • The Communication Unit

    Please use the press telephone +47 90231093 or e-mail to when you want to get in touch with us.

    Head of Communication Simon Solholm Stjern

  • Department of Administrative Affairs

    The Department of Administrative Affairs develops governing systems and determines overarching guidelines for effective and coordinated management and operation of the Ministry. The department handles administrative matters and ensures that the Ministry’s management is in regulatory compliance.

    Deputy Secretary General Henning Henriksen

  • Department for Equality, Non-discrimination and International Affairs

    The Department for Equality, Non-discrimination and International Affairs has sectoral and coordination responsibility for equality and non-discrimination policy. It is also responsible for the implementation of international conventions, international cooperation in relevant fields, equality and non-discrimination legislation, cultural diversity and general international cultural matters.

    Director General Therese Koppang

  • Department of Civil Society and Sports

    The department is responsible for state sports policy and generally for coordinating and harmonising the state’s relations with the voluntary sector. The department administers the surplus generated by Norsk Tipping for sports purposes, socially beneficial and humanitarian organisations and the Frifond fund. Its general responsibility for voluntary-sector policy encompasses the value added tax compensation scheme for non-profit organisations, civil society and voluntary sector research, the Register of Non-Profit Organizations and simplification initiatives.

    Director General Lars Audun Granly

  • Department of Cultural Heritage

    The Department of Cultural Heritage is responsible for language policy, literature, archives, libraries, visual art, cultural buildings, museums, intangible cultural heritage, the war graves service and Sami affairs. The Department also oversees the Language Council of Norway, the National Archives of Norway, the National Library of Norway, the Norwegian Library of Talking Books and Braille, KORO (Public Art Norway) and the Nidaros Cathedral Restoration Workshop.

    Director General Erik Saglie

  • Department of Media and the Arts

    The Department of Media and the Arts is responsible for the development of national policy relating to freedom of expression, print and digital media, gaming, foundations, copyright, cultural and creative industries, film, computer games, music, the performing arts and artist support schemes. The department also administers legislation in these areas, as well as licensing and grant schemes for relevant state and non-state bodies and institutions.

    Director General Heidi Karlsen