The Norwegian Government's strategy for cooperation between Brazil and Norway
New perspectives on a long-standing relationship
Plans/strategy | Date: 28/03/2011 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Norway and Brazil will develop a strategic partnership in areas where each country has strengths and expertise to offer the other, and where cooperation will result in mutual enrichment and economic growth and development in both countries.
The Government’s vision is as follows:
Norway and Brazil will develop a strategic partnership in areas where each country has strengths and expertise to offer the other, and where cooperation will result in mutual enrichment and economic growth and development in both countries. Our cooperation should be long-term and knowledge-based and take full account of social, environmental and economic sustainability. Norway and Brazil will contribute jointly to the resolution of global challenges through close cooperation on international issues.
- The Norwegian Government's strategy for cooperation between Brazil and Norway (pdf)
- Estratégia do governo norueguês para a cooperação entre Brasil e Noruega
Novas perspectivas para um relacionamento de longa data (pdf)