Kondolansebrev etter attentatet på Shinzo Abe
Letter | Date: 08/07/2022 | Office of the Prime Minister
Kondolansebrev fra statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre til Japans statsminister Kishida Fumio i forbindelse med drapet på tidligere statsminister Shinzo Abe i Japan 8. juli 2022.
Dear Prime Minister
It was with great sadness that we received the news of former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo’s death. He was brutally assassinated while performing a basic act of democracy, in the middle of an election campaign speech. Abe Shinzo’s tragic death has shocked us all.
I would like to extend my sincere condolences to you and to the people of Japan. Please convey my heartfelt sympathy to Mr Abe’s family.
Yours sincerely
Jonas Gahr Støre
Signed pdf version of the letter