Meld. St. 34 (2012-2013)

Public Health Report — Meld. St. 34 (2012–2013) Report to the Storting (White Paper) Summary

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5 Health throughout the lifecourse

The government’s objective is to develop a policy that contributes to better health throughout the individual’s life and to good transitions between life’s various stages. All children and young people shall be ensured a good start in life, an inclusive working life and safe, health-promoting workplaces, and the possibility of safer and more active ageing. Efforts shall be directed towards making services and arenas in life’s various stages more health-promoting and tailored to the individual’s needs, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, functional ability, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

The conditions under which children and young people grow up shall be improved by enhancing the quality of kindergartens and schools, further developing and strengthening health clinics and school health services, further developing child welfare services, helping parents to cope and implementing initiatives to prevent problems in the transition between life’s various stages. This is primarily about improving and further developing the range of services offered and improving coordination between these services.

More individuals of working age shall have the opportunity to work, and initiatives to prevent sickness absences and exclusion from the labour market will be strengthened. Emphasis shall be placed on improving the working environment in industries with considerable stress on the working environment. In addition, the government will challenge the labour market organisations to assume greater responsibility for lifestyle-related initiatives at the workplace.

Active and secure ageing is not just about health services and care for the elderly – it is also about participation in physical, social and cultural activities. When an individual’s health deteriorates, it is important to facilitate housing and accessible surroundings, as well as adapted nursing and care services and the provision of training and rehabilitation programmes. Not least, this is about maintaining the individual’s independence, freedom, and influence over his or her own life, regardless of illness or decreased functional ability.

The objective that all citizens shall have equal access to public services runs throughout government policy. If services do not take into account the fact that users are different, this can lead to systematic disparities in outcomes for users. For example, knowledge of the Sami language and culture is essential in the public health work and in ensuring that the Sami people receive health and social services equal to those received by other groups. The rights of Sami children to practice their own language and culture shall be taken into account. Education in the Sami language and Sami culture in kindergartens and schools helps to build identity and security.

Textbox 5.1 Health throughout the lifecourse

The government will:

  • Further develop the quality of kindergartens by following up White Paper no. 24 (2012 – 2013) Framtidens barnehage (The kindergarten of the future)

  • Lay the foundation for better learning throughout the entire education system, with an emphasis on preventing students dropping out of high school, by following up White Paper no. 20 (2012 – 2013) På rett vei. Kvalitet og mangfold i fellesskolen (On the right path – quality and diversity in public schools).

  • Ensure high quality child welfare services through changes in the Child Welfare Act, the development of knowledge and skills and good coordination between the various levels of the administration and with other services

  • Expand the capacity and improve the quality of health clinics and school health services

  • Evaluate the possibility of harmonising legislation related to services for children and young people

  • Evaluate whether it is possible to develop common national targets across sectors and services for children and young people

  • Challenge labour market partners to take greater responsibility for prevention and health promotion in the workplace

  • Emphasise the importance of good working conditions and effective health, safety and environment work as an important contribution to public health

  • Further develop efforts to prevent young people from being excluded from education and employment

  • Pursue policies that enable older workers to remain in work longer, enable active participation in all areas of society, and a range of services that promote involvement and participation

Figure 5.1 

Figure 5.1

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