Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the domain of strengthening institutional capacity

Memorandum of Understanding

on cooperation in the domain of strengthening institutional capacity


the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Denmark, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Iceland, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway, and Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Sweden

1. Introduction

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Denmark, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Iceland, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway and Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Sweden, (hereinafter referred to individually as a “Participant” and collectively as the “Participants”)

emphasizing the traditionally friendly relations between their countries,

acknowledging the fragile regional security situation and necessity to better coordinate efforts and actions on international arena,

recognizing that strengthening international and national resilience and, particularly, institutional resilience and ability to effectively manage different international challenges became a necessity for the ministries of foreign affairs, as well,

recognizing further that modern institutional management capacities and capabilities are important elements of diplomatic interactions and that trusting partnerships are necessary to successfully respond to the challenges our countries are facing,

having reached a common understanding that the following measures can strengthen their institutional resilience cooperation.

2. Objective

This Memorandum of Understanding (herein after MoU) aims to promote cooperation among the Participants and to facilitate better coordination in the international arena. In order to develop effective responses to international challenges, experiences such as best practices and lessons learned, as well as the knowledge of experts, can be exchanged.

3. Cooperation and Exchange

The participants may cooperate in the following areas:

3.1 Cooperation between the foreign services through close exchange of best practices and real-time information sharing.


3.2 Support on the coordination management infrastructure for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova to strengthen its institutional capacity and effectiveness to manage challenges and coordinate with international partners in real-time.


3.3 Promoting the establishment of multiple channels of information sharing in times of challenge between ministries of foreign affairs, international organizations, missions abroad and relevant authorities related to sharing information on incidents, management, and the evolving international landscape.


3.3 Promoting and exchanging best practices in the field of awareness building and educational programs related to early warning management procedures, including dedicated workshops and study trips.

4. Forms of Cooperation

4.1 The forms of cooperation may include:

4.1.1 Providing assistance for the modernization of current Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova situation monitoring facilities (infrastructure) according to international standards, which may include equipment, software and capacity building.

4.1.2 Offering consultations and expert discussions on the most effective strategies for achieving institutional resilience.

4.2 The Participants declare their commitment to support cooperation with subordinate public entities and institutions as well as ministries of their respective states.

4.3 The Participants share the view that an extension of the listed subject matters is possible after mutual coordination.

5. Coordination and Implementation

The Participants may decide on an implementing partner for the forms of cooperation indicated in point. 4.1 to comprehensively manage the available funds and resources, and the delivery of outputs.

6. Final provisions

This MoU will come into effect upon signature and may be jointly reviewed upon written request of one of the Participants. Any of the Participants may withdraw from this MoU through notification in writing to all other Participants.

This MoU does not create any rights and obligations under international law and does not impose any obligations on the Participants.

Signed in Chisinau, on 15 October 2024 in the English language, all texts having equal validity.


For the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova

For the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Denmark

For the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia

For the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland

For the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Iceland

For the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia

For the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania

For the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway

For the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Sweden