Proposal to give a mountain peak to Finland
Letter | Date: 14/10/2016 | Office of the Prime Minister
Originally published by: The Office of the Prime Minister
- Mayor Svein O. Leiros
- Kåfjord municipality
- P.O. Box 74
- 9148 Olderdalen
Letter from Prime Minister Erna Solberg to Svein O. Leiros, Mayor of Kåfjord municipality.
Thank you for your letter of 18 March 2016, in which you put forward a proposal from Kåfjord municipality that Norway should give Finland a mountain peak to mark the centenary of Finland’s independence in December 2017.
The creative proposal has received a very positive response from the general public. I am pleased by this, and I take it as a clear sign of the close relationship between Norway and Finland.
However, I do not think the proposed change to the border is a good idea for several reasons. Making adjustments to national borders raises difficult legal questions, for example in this case relating to the Norwegian Constitution. We will instead endeavour to find another suitable gift for Finland to mark the anniversary.
Yours sincerely
Erna Solberg