What now - The Impact of Digitization on the Norwegian Music Industry
English summary
Report | Date: 22/10/2019 | Ministry of Culture and Equality
Originally published by: Ministry of Culture
On behalf of the Norwegian Ministry of Culture, the Center for Creative Industries at BI NorwegianBusiness School (BI:CCI) together with Menon Economics has conducted a study of the impacts ofdigitization on the players within the ecosystem of the music sector.
English summary - What now - The Impact of Digitization on the Norwegian Music Industry (.pdf)
Full version in Norwegian (.pdf)
The main purpose of the study was to gather more knowledge about the economic development in the Norwegian music industry in recent decades, in the light of continuous technological and digital development. The study aims to chart the music sector and how digitization has affected its value system, market structures and the competitive situation, as well as to examine how economic values are created and distributed between the various players.
This is the first study that provides a detailed analysis of cash flows in the Norwegian music industry, of how economic values are created and distributed between the various parts of the value chain, and how this has developed over time.