Guidelines and brochures

Here, you can find guidelines and brochures published by the Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries. 

Showing 81-100 of 160 results.

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  • Pocket Statistics on Government Employees 2007

    03/10/2007 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Pocket Statistics on Government Employees 2007 contains statistics relating to employees of the Norwegian central government administration.

  • Say no to corruption - it pays!

    02/05/2008 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway has a policy of combating corruption at both the national and international level. Corruption undermines democracy, human rights and the proper functioning of an open market economy. Corruption imposes heavy costs on society, and can impede

  • Norwegian Forests - Policy and Resources

    20/11/2007 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Agriculture and Food

  • Business and industry in Norway - The mechanical-engineering industry

    28/06/2001 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    Number of companies 4039 Number of employees 103913 This sector’s export share 30 Gross product in percentage 6,3 The mechanical-engineering industry is Norway’s largest industrial sector and is extremely varied. Parts of it are strongly

  • Business and industry in Norway - Shipping

    28/06/2001 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    Norwegians on board 15765 Norwegians onshore 5025 Foreigners on board 48355 Number of ships NIS (01.10.00) 764 NOR (31.10.00) 933 Foreign flag (01.10.00) 650 Shipping companies ca. 450 Export share (1999) 87 Gross product in percentage (1999) 1,4

  • A survey of 22 OECD-countries

    18/08/2000 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Finance

  • Trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPS)

    14/09/2006 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The TRIPS Agreement was negotiated during the Uruguay Round and, like the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), is included as an annex to the WTO Agreement.

  • The Petroleum Taxation Act

    10/01/2006 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Finance

    The Petroleum Taxation Act Click here (pdf) Act of 13 June 1975 No.35 relating to the Taxation of Subsea Petroleum Deposits, etc. Last amended by Act of 9 December 2005 No.109

  • Property Relations Between Spouses

    10/01/2018 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Children and Families

    You can download the brochure Property relations between spouses here (PDF).

  • Business and industry in Norway - The food, beverages and tobacco industry

    28/06/2001 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    Number of companies 1655 Number of employees 53 160 This sector’s export share 3 Gross product in percentage 2,0 The Norwegian food, beverages and tobacco industry has grown gradually since the end of the 19th century and is currently Norway’s

  • Food Security in a Climate Perspective - English Summary

    21/01/2013 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    A strategy developed in cooperation with Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs, Ministry of the Environment. - English Summary - January 2013.

  • Guidelines for dealing with suspected financial irregularities in the Foreign Service

    27/03/2019 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Zero tolerance of financial irregularitiesmeans that the Foreign Service is to respond to any deviations from the rules and conditions that form the basis for the management of the Ministry’s funds, including agreements relating to operational

  • Norwegian Government Pension Fund and the Santiago principles

    12/10/2015 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Finance

    Norway supports the international guidelines for sovereign wealth funds, the so called Santiago-principles or Generally Accepted Practices and Principles for Sovereign Wealth Funds (GAPP).

  • Key Figures 2013: Overview and rates of direct and indirect taxes

    01/03/2013 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Finance

    Key figures for the Norwegian economy, main figures of the Fiscal Budget and rates of direct and indirect taxes.

  • Ethical Guidelines

    19/11/2002 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    On 17 October 2002 the Norwegian government resolved to introduce ethical guidelines for civil servants to prohibit the purchase and acceptance of sexual services.

  • The Norwegian Defence Budget 2003

    11/10/2002 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Defence

    (11.10.2002) On the 3 rd> of October The Government presented a defence budget for 2003 amounting to NOK 29.6 billion. This represents an increase in real terms of NOK 1 billion compared with the defence budget proposed last year by the previous

  • Norwegian defence-related cooperation with the Baltic states

    12/04/2002 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Defence

    Norsk politikk i etterkrigstiden har bare i mindre grad vært rettet mot Baltikum. Uavhengigheten for de baltiske stater i 1991 endret imidlertid dette. TekstutgaveTekstutgave (pdf-format, krever Acrobat reader, kan lastes gratis ned her.

  • Facts 2006 The Norwegian Petroleum Sector

    07/04/2006 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Energy

    The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate hereby launch "Facts 2006 – The Norwegian petroleum sector". The publication provides a general overview of petroleum activities on the Norwegian continental shelf. Topics

  • Integrated care

    28/01/2002 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    Integrated care This document is in a PDF-format. You can download Adobe Acrobat Reader free of charge. Integrated care Guidelines for the action required and the assignment of administrative responsibilities in the aftermath of accidents and

  • Adherence of the Government Pension Fund Norway (GPFN) to the Santiago principles

    31/01/2023 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Finance

    The Ministry of Finance has recently conducted an update of the self-assessments of the Government Pension Fund’s adherence to the Santiago Principles, cf. separate reviews of the GPFG and the GPFN, respectively. This self-assessment documents the

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