Guidelines and brochures

Here, you can find guidelines and brochures published by the Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries. 

Showing 81-100 of 160 results.

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  • Together we are preserving the Svalbard environment

    23/02/2007 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Climate and Environment

    Information about Svalbard's environmental protection fund


    23/02/2007 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Climate and Environment

    Информация о Фонде охраны природы Свалбарда

  • Trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPS)

    14/09/2006 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The TRIPS Agreement was negotiated during the Uruguay Round and, like the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), is included as an annex to the WTO Agreement.

  • Facts 2006 Energy and water resources in Norway

    14/08/2006 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Energy

    Facts 2006 Energy and water resources in Norway The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy publishes an English translation of this facts sheet on energy and water resources in Norway every other year. In this publication stationary energy supply and

  • Government procurement in the WTO - the GPA

    31/07/2006 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Government procurement constitutes a very large market in most countries.

  • Pocket Statistics on Government Employees 2006

    24/07/2006 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    This booklet contains statistics relating to employees of the Norwegian central government administration.

  • Norwegian Defence 2006

    24/05/2006 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Defence

    Norwegian Defence 2006 Norwegian Defence 2006 (pdf, 1,3 mb) Norwegian Defence 2006 (Powerpoint, 4,8 mb) Download and save to local disk to run with Powerpoint

  • Facts 2006 The Norwegian Petroleum Sector

    07/04/2006 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Energy

    The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate hereby launch "Facts 2006 – The Norwegian petroleum sector". The publication provides a general overview of petroleum activities on the Norwegian continental shelf. Topics

  • The Petroleum Taxation Act

    10/01/2006 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Finance

    The Petroleum Taxation Act Click here (pdf) Act of 13 June 1975 No.35 relating to the Taxation of Subsea Petroleum Deposits, etc. Last amended by Act of 9 December 2005 No.109

  • The defence budget 2006

    17/11/2005 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Defence

  • Booklet on Norwegian trade and industry

    02/09/2005 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    An introduction to Norwegian trade and industry and industrial policy (pdf 821kB) (2 September 2005)

  • Streamlining and Facilitation for Trade and Industry

    06/07/2005 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    Streamlining and Facilitation for Trade and Industry : Simplifying Norway Action Plan 2005-2009 (.pdf 479kB)

  • Relevant force

    13/06/2005 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Defence

    Relevant force (pdf, 1 Mb)

  • Sustainable Development, National Agenda 21

    29/04/2005 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Finance

    Sustainable Development, National Agenda 21 The Norwegian Government presented a National Action Plan for Sustainable Development, National Agenda 21, to the Parliament in the National Budget for 2004. One of the proposals in National Agenda 21 was

  • Environmental Action Plan for the housing and construction sector, 2005-2008

    27/04/2005 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    The Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development presents here its new Environmental Action Plan for the housing and construction sector.

  • Environment 2005 The Norwegian Petroleum Sector

    15/04/2005 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Energy

    Environment 2005 The Norwegian Petroleum Sector Enhancing knowledge about petroleum activities and environmental issues. The purpose of this publication is threefold: to increase knowledge about the environmental aspects of Norwegian oil and gas

  • Fact Sheet 2005 Norwegian Petroleum Activity

    15/04/2005 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Energy

    Fact Sheet 2005 Norwegian Petroleum Activity Here you will find an overview of fields in production on the Norwegian continental shelf, with such information as production, cost figures, licensees, location and more. In addition come data on fields

  • Key Figures of the 2005 budget

    10/01/2005 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Finance

    Key Figures of the 2005 budget Click here (pdf)

  • Environment 2004 The Norwegian Petroleum Sector

    02/04/2004 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Energy

    Environment 2004 The Norwegian Petroleum Sector To enhance knowledge about petroleum activities and environmental issues. The purpose of this publication is threefold: to increase knowledge about the environmental aspects of Norwegian oil and gas

  • Fact Sheet 2004 Norwegian Petroleum Activity

    02/04/2004 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Energy

    Fact Sheet 2004 Norwegian Petroleum Activity The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy publishes the Fact Sheet Norwegian Petroleum Activity annually. Most aspects of Norway's petroleum operations are presented. Here you will find an overview of fields

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