Draft resolutions and bills

Draft resolutions and bills (Prop.) form the basis for the Storting’s consideration of proposed resolutions, new legislation or amendments to legislation, the budget, or other such matters that require a decision by the Storting.

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  • Proposition to the Storting No 59 (2004-2005) - Annexes -

    13/05/2005 Proposition Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Proposition to the Storting No 59 (2004-2005) On consent to ratification of the Free Trade Agreement between the States of the European Free Trade Association and the Republic of Tunisia and the associated Agricultural Protocol between the Kingdom

  • Report No. 35 to the Storting (2003-2004) - Summary -

    06/05/2004 Proposition Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Fighting Poverty Together A Comprehensive Development Policy The document in PDF-format

  • Proposition to the Storting no. 16 (2003-2004) -

    14/11/2003 Proposition Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Proposition to the Storting no. 16 (2003-2004) Free Trade Agreement between the EFTA States and the Republic of Chile Annexes These documents are in PDF-format. To download Adobe Reader, click here. Annex 1 Annex 1 - Appendix 1 Annex 1 - Appendix 2