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Rules for marrying abroad
04/12/2019 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe Norwegian Marriage Act regulates recognition of marriages entered into abroad.
How to achieve gender balance at the top in business
05/04/2019 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Children and Families, Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesTips for better gender balance at the top.
Property Relations Between Spouses
10/01/2018 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Children and FamiliesYou can download the brochure Property relations between spouses here (PDF).
16/09/2011 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Children and FamiliesThis brochure focuses particularly on questions related to parental responsibility (foreldreansvar), where children are to live permanently and right of access (samværsrett).
Haven´t I got a say?
10/12/2009 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Children and FamiliesYou can download the brochure HAVEN´T I GOT A SAY? here (PDF)
Children when parents move apart
10/12/2009 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Children and FamiliesYou can download the brochure CHILDREN WHEN PARENTS MOVE APART here (PDF)
Guide to gender equality assessment and discussion in ministry budget propositions
01/07/2007 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Children and FamiliesGuide to gender equality assessment and discussion in ministry budget propositions(pdf 422 kb)