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The Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries publish several different document types.
Showing 41-60 of 160 results.
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Facts about Fisheries and Aquaculture 2013
02/09/2013 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesThe Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs has published a booklet containing facts on Norwegian seafood production - consumption and export, fisheries and catches, aquaculture and research and innovation. The booklet was published in
The Arctic - major opportunities – major responsibilities
21/08/2013 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Foreign AffairsDevelopments in the north are creating major opportunities for Norway, but also entail major responsibilities. This is why the Arctic has been Norway’s top foreign policy priority for almost a decade. This brochure gives you a glimpse of some
A Guide to Human Rights Due Diligence in Global Supply Chains
12/06/2013 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesThe Norwegian Government wishes to contribute to strengthening the role of Norwegian businesses as engines for sustainable development and poverty reduction, while at the same time supporting the efforts of the UN and the ILO to promote responsible
Facts 2013 – All you need to know about Norwegian petroleum activities
26/04/2013 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of EnergyIn cooperation with the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy have published a new edition of the annual book on Norwegian petroleum industry, (petroleum) Facts 2013. The publication gives a comprehensive overview of
Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
16/04/2013 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Foreign AffairsNorway is a staunch defender of human rights, including the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons (LGBT). We will have the courage to speak out when others are silent, say the new guidelines for the Norwegian Foreign Service.
Key Figures 2013: Overview and rates of direct and indirect taxes
01/03/2013 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of FinanceKey figures for the Norwegian economy, main figures of the Fiscal Budget and rates of direct and indirect taxes.
Norwegian Defence 2013
27/02/2013 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of DefenceNorwegian Defence 2013 - Facts and figures (pdf, 3 Mb.) Ranks and insignia (pdf, 806 kb.)
Food Security in a Climate Perspective - English Summary
21/01/2013 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Foreign AffairsA strategy developed in cooperation with Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs, Ministry of the Environment. - English Summary - January 2013.
Facts 2012: The Norwegian petroleum sector
03/01/2013 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of EnergyThe Ministry of Petroleum and Energy together with the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate are publishing "Facts 2012 - The Norwegian petroleum sector". The publication provides a general overview of information regarding the petroleum activities
Promoting abolition of the death penalty
10/10/2012 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe fight against the death penalty is gradually gaining ground. Our efforts are paying off. However, opposition remains strong. That is why we are now stepping up the fight and have produced new guidelines setting out what the Foreign Service can
From political rights to political power
01/08/2012 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentIn 2010 one hundred years have gone since women got the right to vote in Norwegian local elections. Simultaneously women were given the opportunity to run for office in local government.
The Strategy for Innovation an Good Governance at Local Level
24/05/2012 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentAdopted in March 2008, the Strategy is a practical instrument which can be used to generate synergies between all stakeholders, be they local, regional, national or European, by working together with common instruments for improving the quality of
Key Figures 2011: Overview and rates of direct and indirect taxes
16/03/2012 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of FinanceKey figures for the Norwegian economy, main figures of the Fiscal Budget and rates of direct and indirect taxes.
Business creates development
14/02/2012 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe purpose of this brochure is to provide an overview of the measures the Government will pursue to promote investment in commercial activities in developing countries in the next few years. It is intended for everyone who is interested in
Facts about Fisheries and Aquaculture 2011
31/01/2012 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesThe Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs has published a booklet containing facts on Norwegian seafood production - consumption and export, fisheries and catches, aquaculture and research and innovation. The booklet was published in
Norwegian Chair of the Barents Euro-Arctic Council 2011-2013
13/01/2012 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Foreign AffairsDuring its chairmanship Norway intends to highlight and promote the Barents region as a resource-rich region in Europe.
Brochure about the Norwegian Ministry of Finance
08/11/2011 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of FinanceThe Ministry of Finance is headed by the Minister of Finance, who has overall responsibility for the Ministry’s work and who is aided by a political staff consisting of several state secretaries and a political adviser. Read more about the ministry
Joint responsibility for a good and decent working life
14/10/2011 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionShort version of the Government White Paper on working conditions, working environment and safety in Norwegian working life, submitted to the Storting, the Norwegian Parliament, on 26 August 2011.
16/09/2011 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Children and FamiliesThis brochure focuses particularly on questions related to parental responsibility (foreldreansvar), where children are to live permanently and right of access (samværsrett).
Ethical guidelines for contact with business and industry in the defence sector
16/05/2011 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of DefenceGuidelines | August 2019