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NOU 2023: 19 - Learning: Lost in the Shuffle?
Use of pupil and student data to enhance learning
06/06/2023 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Education and Research -
Meld. St. 14 (2022–2023) - Outlook on the skills needs in Norway
24/03/2023 Report to the Storting Ministry of Education and Research -
Strategy for digital transformation in the higher education sector
28/02/2023 Plans/strategy Ministry of Education and Research -
Norwegian comment to the European strategy for universities and the Council Recommendation on building bridges for effective European higher education cooperation – April 2022
27/04/2022 Letter Ministry of Education and Research -
NOU 2022: 2 - Academic freedom of expression
A good culture of free speech must be built from the bottom up, every single day
30/03/2022 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Education and Research -
Flexible and decentralised education at vocational colleges, university colleges and universities
17/12/2021 Plans/strategy Ministry of Education and ResearchPreface The green shift and digital transformation are among the biggest changes our society will face in the coming years. Together with other technological developments, these processes will result in the disappearance of many jobs, the emergence
Strategy for Norway’s participation in Horizon Europe and the European Research Area
03/12/2021 Plans/strategy Ministry of Education and ResearchThe strategy sets out the overriding goals for Norway’s participation in Horizon Europe and the European Research Area for the period 2021-2027.
Strategy for Norway’s participation in Erasmus+ and the European Education Area
03/12/2021 Plans/strategy Ministry of Education and ResearchStrategy for Norway’s participation in Erasmus+ and the European Education Area
Report No 14 to the Storting (2019–2020) - The Skills Reform – Lifelong Learning
07/05/2021 Report to the Storting Ministry of Education and Research -
The Panorama Strategy (2021–2027)
29/04/2021 Plans/strategy Ministry of Education and ResearchPanorama 2021 - 2027 - Norway's strategy for bilateral cooperation on higher education and research with key partner countries outside the EU.
Meld. St. 7 (2020–2021) - A world of opportunities
Meld. St. 7 (2020–2021) Report to the Storting (white paper)
30/10/2020 Report to the Storting Ministry of Education and Research -
Meld. St. 9 (2018–2019) - Wholesale and retail trade – when the customer is always online
30/11/2018 Report to the Storting Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries -
Teacher Education 2025.National Strategy for Quality and Cooperation in Teacher Education.
24/04/2018 Plans/strategy Ministry of Education and ResearchBetter collaboration between schools and teacher education, kindergarten and kindergarten teacher education is one of four overall goals in the strategy.
Digitalisation strategy for the higher education sector 2017-2021
19/02/2018 Report Ministry of Education and ResearchIn order for higher education and research in Norway to leverage the potential of technology to improve student learning, make the range of study options available on a wide scale, and support outstanding research, the focus on use of technology for
National strategy on access to and sharing of research data
13/02/2018 Plans/strategy Ministry of Education and ResearchResearch data should be shared and reused more widely.
Meld. St. 16 (2016–2017) - Quality Culture in Higher Education
27/01/2017 Report to the Storting Ministry of Education and ResearchThe following text is the first chapter of Meld. St. 16 (2016-2017). The text outlines the main objectives, as well as the Government’s expectations of higher education institutions concerning their work on raising quality in higher education, and
NOU 2016: 14 - More to gain
Better learning for students with higher learning potential
15/09/2016 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Education and ResearchReport from the Committee appointed by Royal Decree on 18 September 2015. Submitted to the Ministry of Education and Research on 15 September 2016.
09/10/2015 Plans/strategy Ministry of Education and ResearchAs a result of the changes occurring globally, cooperation with other countries on other continents will come to play a more important role for the further development of the Norwegian knowledge society.
NOU 2014: 5 - MOOCs for Norway
New digital learning methods in higher education
16/06/2014 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Education and Research -
Meld. St. 18 (2012-2013) - Long-term perspectives – knowledge provides opportunity
Meld. St. 18 (2012–2013) Report to the Storting (White Paper) Summary
08/03/2013 Report to the Storting Ministry of Education and Research