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The Norwegian Government's High North Strategy
17/12/2006 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe Norwegian Government's High North Strategy The Norwegian Government's High North Strategy (abstract in pdf-format) The strategy in russian (abstract in pdf-format)
Report No. 16 to the Storting (2006-2007) - Early Intervention for Lifelong Learning
15/12/2006 Report to the Storting Ministry of Education and Research -
MOPAN Synthesis Report 2006
Assessment of UNICEF, ILO and the Asian Development Bank at country level
14/12/2006 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsMOPAN Synthesis Report 2006 Assessment of UNICEF, ILO and the Asian Development Bank at country level 14.12.06 MOPAN (the Multilateral Organisations Performance Assessment Network) is a network of nine likeminded countries that are cooperating to
Report No. 13 to the Storting (2006-2007) - An active and Long-Term State Ownership
08/12/2006 Report to the Storting Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries -
Recommendation of 6 September 2006
06/12/2006 Letter Ministry of FinancePoongsan Corporation
Oslo Conditionality Conference
05/12/2006 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsOn 28 and 29 November Mr Erik Solheim, the Norwegian Minister of International Development hosted a two-day conference in Oslo on the current use of conditionality in the International Finance Institutions. (05.12.06)
Norwegian Action Plan on Animal Welfare
01/12/2006 Plans/strategy Ministry of Agriculture and FoodRecommendation of 13 December 2002 by the Ministry of Agriculture, approved in Council of State on the same date 01.12.2006.
Act relating to concession in the acquisition of real property (Concession Act)
23/11/2006 Law Ministry of Agriculture and FoodProposition No. 79 (2002-2003) to the Odelsting, Recommendation No. 11 to the Odelsting and Decision No. 8 (2003-2004) of the Odelsting. Decisions of the Odelsting and Lagting respectively 13 and 20 November 2003. Submitted by the Ministry of
Fatal Footprint: The Global Human Impact of Cluster Munitions
02/11/2006 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsFatal Footprint: The Global Human Impact of Cluster Munitions Preliminary Report from Handicap International (in pdf)
Report No. 5 to the Storting (2006-2007) - Earning and drawing old age pension from the National Insurance Scheme
Chapter 1: A sustainable pension system with a good social profile
20/10/2006 Report to the Storting Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion -
CO2 emissions permit for Statoil's combined heat and power plant at
12/10/2006 Letter Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentCO2 emissions permit for Statoil's combined heat and power plant at Mongstad: The CO2 emissions permit for Statoil's combined heat and power plant at Mongstad is pursuant to the Act of 13 March 1981 concerning protection against pollution and
Annual Report on Bilateral Development Cooperation
10/10/2006 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe annual report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Norwegian bilateral development cooperation has been published, with an overview of development cooperation with 22 countries in 2005. (10.10.06)
Foreign policy strategy for combating international terrorism
September 2006
03/10/2006 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsForeign policy strategy for combating international terrorism PDF version of the strategy
Cancellation of debts incurred as a result of the Norwegian Ship Export Campaign (1976-80)
02/10/2006 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsAnnex to press Release No 118/06 02.10.06 Cancellation of debts incurred as a result of the Norwegian Ship Export Campaign (1976-80) Norway’s claims vis-à-vis developing countries amount to approximately NOK 4,4 billion. Approximately NOK 2.9
Agreed Minutes
21/09/2006 Guidelines Ministry of Foreign AffairsAgreed Minutes on the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf beyond 200 Nautical Miles between the Faroe Islands, Iceland and Norway in the Southern Part of the Banana Hole of the Northeast Atlantic 1. The Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom
Barents 2020: A tool for a forward-looking High North policy
15/09/2006 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsPDF-version of the report
Trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPS)
14/09/2006 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe TRIPS Agreement was negotiated during the Uruguay Round and, like the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), is included as an annex to the WTO Agreement.
Consultation - Draft regulation relating to an environment fee for visitors to Svalbard
08/09/2006 Consultation Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentConsultation - Draft regulation relating to an environment fee for visitors to Svalbard Summary
Deadline for consultation: 19/06/2016 Status: Consultation has been processed
Recommendation on suspension of exclusion of KerrMcGee Corporation (“KerrMcGee”)
01/09/2006 Letter Ministry of Finance(Unofficial English translation) To the Ministry of Finance Oslo, May 24, 2006 Recommendation on suspension of exclusion of KerrMcGee Corporation (“KerrMcGee”). 1 Background The Council on Ethics for the Government Petroleum Fund, now the Government
The World Bank Group
26/08/2006 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs