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The Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries publish several different document types.

Description of the various document types.

  • Research strategy for the Foreign Service and Norad 2017–2024

    14/11/2017 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The purpose of the strategy is to clarify and focus the research activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, diplomatic and consular missions and Norad.

  • Strategy to combat workrelated crime

    10/11/2017 Letter Office of the Prime Minister

    Letter from Prime Minister Erna Solberg to the President of the European Commision Jean-Claude Juncker, about a proposal on an expanded collaboration on how to combat work-related crime.

  • Norwegian ERA Roadmap 2016–2020

    17/10/2017 Report Ministry of Education and Research

    The Norwegian ERA Roadmap aims at contributing to a successful European Research Area by stating goals and actions to implement the Top Action Priorities identified in the ERA Roadmap 2015-2020

  • Better growth, lower emissions – the Norwegian Government’s strategy for green competitiveness

    12/10/2017 Plans/strategy Ministry of Climate and Environment

    This document is the Government’s strategy for green competitiveness, and is intended to provide a predictable framework for the transformation of Norwegian society. It lists seven principles for this process, and presents Government policy for

  • CERD - Norway’s 23rd/24th report

    19/09/2017 Report Ministry of Children and Families

    Norway’s 23rd/24th report under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

  • Strategy for Lower secondary Education in Norway: Motivation and Mastery for better Learning

    04/09/2017 Plans/strategy Ministry of Education and Research

    Joint effort to improve classroom management, numeracy,reading and writing.

  • Instructions for the Ministries' work with civil protection and emergency preparedness

    01/09/2017 Rules Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    Laid down by the Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security on 1. September 2017.

  • National goals and guidelines for open access to research articles

    22/08/2017 Guidelines Ministry of Education and Research

    The government’s goal is that all pubclicly funded Norwegian research articles should be made openly available by 2024, and the government has established guidelines and measures for open access to research articles.

  • Norwegian National Action Plan for a Healthier Diet – an outline

    07/08/2017 Plans/strategy Ministry of Health and Care Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Children and Families, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    The objectives of the Public HealthReport to the Storting (White paper) Meld. St. 19 (2014-2015) Coping and opportunities - provide the foundation for the National Action Plan for a Healthier Diet:

  • One year closer

    Status report for Norway's progress towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda

    18/07/2017 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance

    One year closer - Status report 2016 (pdf) Norway's progress towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

  • Norwegian Strategy for Skills Policy 2017 - 2021

    10/07/2017 Plans/strategy Ministry of Education and Research

    The population's skills are society's most important resource and the basis for welfare, growth, wealth creation and sustainability. Solid skills within the workforce is and will be crucial both for the Norwegian economy's competitiveness and for

  • Arctic Strategy

    06/07/2017 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, Office of the Prime Minister

    The Norwegian Government presented on 21 April a new Arctic Strategy. An English short version of the strategy is now available.

  • NOU 2017: 13 - New central bank act

    23/06/2017 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Finance

  • Regulations on impact assessments

    21/06/2017 Regulation Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Established by Royal Decree of 21 June 2017 pursuant to Act of 27 June 2008 no. 71 relating to the Planning and the Processing of Building Applications (the Planning and Building Act) sections 1-2, 4-2, 14-6 and 32-8a. The EEA Agreement Annex XX no.

  • Climate Change Act

    16/06/2017 Law Ministry of Climate and Environment

    The purpose of this Act is to promote the implementation of Norway’s climate targets as part of its process of transformation to a low-emission society by 2050.

    Read act at

  • Meld. St. 41 (2016–2017) - Norway’s Climate Strategy for 2030: a transformational approach within a European cooperation framework

    Meld. St. 41 (2016–2017) Report to the Storting (white paper)

    16/06/2017 Report to the Storting Ministry of Climate and Environment

    The Norwegian Government is working towards joint fulfilment of its Paris commitment together with the European Union (EU). Joint fulfilment will make it possible to achieve the 2030 reduction target for emissions that fall outside the scope of the

  • Meld. St. 38 (2016–2017) - Cyber Security

    A joint responsibility

    09/06/2017 Report to the Storting Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    This white paper presents the Norwegian Government’s cyber security policy. It provides an overview of the status of the follow-up of the The Digital Vulnerability Committee’s recommendations. In addition, it presents areas that the Government

  • Illicit trade in cultural artefacts

    01/06/2017 Report Ministry of Culture and Equality

    Stronger together: How can the Nordics join forces to stop the illegal import and export of cultural objects?

  • Sectoral Programme for Culture - The Norwegian Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers 2017

    10/05/2017 Plans/strategy Ministry of Culture and Equality

    Norway has adopted three cross-sectoral priorities for the Norwegian Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2017: the Nordic Region in Transition, the Nordic Region in Europe and the Nordic Region in the World.

  • Meld. St. 36 (2016–2017) - Setting the course for Norwegian foreign and security policy

    21/04/2017 Report to the Storting Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    This white paper presents the Government's views on the course Norway should follow to be as well equipped as possible to meet today's challenging security situation. The Government will intensify European cooperation and redouble its efforts in

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