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A just world is an equal world
11/12/2023 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe action plan for women’s rights and gender equality shows how gender equality is a main priority in Norway’s foreign and development policy.
Meld. St. 5 (2023–2024) - A Resilient Health Emergency Preparedness
Meld. St. 5 (2023–2024) Report to the Storting (white paper)
24/11/2023 Report to the Storting Ministry of Health and Care Services -
NOU 2023: 25 - The transition to low emissions
Climate policy choices towards 2050
27/10/2023 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Climate and Environment -
The health industry
12/10/2023 Report Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries -
Prop. 1 LS (2023–2024) - Taxes 2024
Prop. 1 LS (2023–2024) Proposition to the Storting (Bill and Draft Resolution) For the 2024 Budget Year
06/10/2023 Proposition Ministry of Finance -
Prop. 2 LS (2023–2024) - Resource rent tax on onshore wind power
06/10/2023 Proposition Ministry of Finance -
Meld. St. 1 (2023–2024) - The National Budget 2024
Meld. St. 1 (2023–2024) Report to the Storting (white paper)
06/10/2023 Report to the Storting Ministry of Finance -
Norway’s National Action Plan: Women, Peace and Security (2023-2030)
14/09/2023 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe women, peace and security agenda is a key element of Norway’s efforts to promote peace and security.
Human rights for persons with intellectual disabilities
«It's about being seen and heard»
13/09/2023 Report Ministry of Culture and EqualityThis is an EasyRead version of the white paper Meld. St. 8 (2022-2023)
Useful security advice for candidates running for election to municipal and county councils
08/09/2023 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentThe Ministry has sent out an information brochure to all candidates in the 2023 municipal and county council elections.
The Norwegian Government's Action Plan on Gender and Sexual Diversity (2023–2026)
06/09/2023 Plans/strategy Ministry of Culture and Equality, Ministry of Children and Families, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Health and Care Services, Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion, Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentThe goal of the new Action Plan for Gender and Sexual Diversity for the period 2023 to 2026 is to improve queer people's quality of life, safeguard their rights and contribute to greater acceptance of gender and sexual diversity. The plan sets out
Norwegian guidelines for support to human rights defenders
25/08/2023 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign AffairsThese guidelines are a tool to help the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Norwegian diplomatic missions to systematise measures and efforts to support human rights defenders and their work. The guidelines complement other guidelines and policy
Consultation – Measures to accelerate the phasing in of zero- and low-emission aircraft in Norwegian aviation
29/06/2023 Consultation Ministry of TransportThe government has in the white paper, Meld. St. 10 (2022-2023) Sustainable and safe aviation - National aviation strategy, decided that the overall climate goal for domestic aviation should be to accelerate the transition towards zero- and
Deadline for consultation: 29/09/2023 Status: Consultation is being processed
Adherence of the Government Pension Fund Norway (GPFN) to the Santiago principles
27/06/2023 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of FinanceThe Ministry of Finance has recently conducted an update of the self-assessments of the Government Pension Fund’s adherence to the Santiago Principles, cf. separate reviews of the GPFG and the GPFN, respectively. This self-assessment documents the
Adherence of the Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG) to the Santiago principles
27/06/2023 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of FinanceThe Ministry of Finance has recently conducted an update of the self-assessments of the Government Pension Fund’s adherence to the Santiago Principles, cf. separate reviews of the GPFG and the GPFN, respectively. This self-assessment documents the
Knowledge acquisition on electronic and internet-based solutions for voting
27/06/2023 Report Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentOn behalf of the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, Oslo Economics and Norwegian Computing Centre have prepared a knowledge acquisition on electronic and internet-based solutions for voting
Norway mineral strategy
21/06/2023 Report Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries -
Meld. St. 27 (2022–2023) - A good life throughout Norway – regional and rural policy for the future
Meld. St. 27 (2022–2023) Report to the Storting (white paper)
20/06/2023 Report to the Storting Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development -
Meld. St. 26 (2022–2023) - A changing climate – united for a climate-resilient society
Meld. St. 26 (2022–2023) Report to the Storting (white paper)
16/06/2023 Report to the Storting Ministry of Climate and Environment -
NOU 2023: 18 - Gene technology in a sustainable future
06/06/2023 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentSummary of Chapter 1 in Official Norwegian Report (NOU) 2023:18 Gene technology in a sustainable future. Below is a brief summary of Chap. 1 (Sammendrag og hovedkonklusjoner) in English. The summary is not a part of the report, but was prepared by