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The Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries publish several different document types.
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Offshore Energy Act
29/03/2023 Law Ministry of EnergyThe Act applies to Norway’s territorial sea outside the baselines and to the continental shelf, but individual provisions can also be made applicable to internal waters.
Meld. St. 33 (2019–2020) - Longship – Carbon capture and storage
Meld. St. 33 (2019–2020) Report to the Storting (white paper)
21/09/2020 Report to the Storting Ministry of Energy -
The Norwegian Government’s hydrogen strategy
03/06/2020 Plans/strategy Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of EnergyTowards a low emission society
The Government’s action plan for green shipping
20/06/2019 Plans/strategy Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, Ministry of TransportNorway will play a part in developing a sustainable shipping sector for the 21st century.
Facts 2013 – All you need to know about Norwegian petroleum activities
26/04/2013 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of EnergyIn cooperation with the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy have published a new edition of the annual book on Norwegian petroleum industry, (petroleum) Facts 2013. The publication gives a comprehensive overview of
Facts 2012: The Norwegian petroleum sector
03/01/2013 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of EnergyThe Ministry of Petroleum and Energy together with the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate are publishing "Facts 2012 - The Norwegian petroleum sector". The publication provides a general overview of information regarding the petroleum activities
Meld. St. 28 (2010–2011) - An industry for the future – Norway’s petroleum activities
Meld. St. 28 (2010–2011) Report to the Storting (white paper)
24/06/2011 Report to the Storting Ministry of Energy -
Carbon Capture and Storage. Progress and Next Steps
Report from IEA
18/06/2010 Report Ministry of EnergyIEA/CSLF Report to the Muskoka 2010 G8 Summit.
Kårstø Integration Pre-feasibility Study Report
By Gassco and Gassnova
22/03/2010 Report Ministry of EnergyKårstø Integration Pre-feasibility Study Report.
Incentive schemes for attracting new electricity generation
10/12/2009 Report Ministry of EnergyThe report in pdf
Ot.prp. nr. 107 (2008-2009) - Concerning an Act on Offshore Renewable Energy Production (the Offshore Energy Act)
26/06/2009 Proposition Ministry of Energy -
“Fact 2008 - Energy and Water Resources in Norway”
14/11/2008 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of EnergyThe Ministry of Petroleum and Energy publishes an English translation of this facts sheet on energy and water resources in Norway every other year. Fact 2008 describes stationary energy supply and central aspects of the management of water resources.
Mid-Norway power study
By Shell
04/07/2008 Report Ministry of EnergyMid-Norway
Thorium as an energy source
- Opportunities for Norway
15/02/2008 Report Ministry of EnergyAn investigation into the possibility and risk of utilizing thorium as a source of energy.
Acts and Regulations
05/09/2007 Rules Ministry of EnergyThe Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) hold the managing responsibility according to the Energy Act and the Water Resources Act. Furthermore NVE is assisting the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy managing the Industrial Licensing
Facts 2007 - The Norwegian petroleum sector
06/07/2007 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of EnergyFacts 2007 - The Norwegian petroleum sector is a joint effort with the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate. Facts 2007 provides a general overview of all relevant information regarding the Norwegian continental shelf.
Storing CO2 under the North Sea Basin
A key solution for combating climate change
20/06/2007 Report Ministry of EnergyThis report represents the first deliverable of the North Sea Basin Task Force, which Norway and the UK established in November 2005 to work together on issues surrounding the transport and storage of CO2 beneath the North Sea. The North Sea
Report No. 38 to the Storting (2001–2002) -
19/04/2007 Report to the Storting Ministry of EnergyReport No. 38 to the Storting (2001 – 2002) Oil and Gas Activities ( pdf format ) Unofficial translation from Norwegian
St.prp. nr. 36 (2000-2001) English -
19/04/2007 Proposition Ministry of EnergySt.prp. nr. 36 (2000-2001) Propositions to the Storting Propositions to the Storting (St prp — Bills) are used when the government requests the Storting to take a decision which is not a legal enactment. These include motions relating to the budget
27/02/2007 Rules Ministry of EnergyNew production licences: Agreement concerning petroleum activities Enclosure to production licence Production licences 1972 - 2006: Existing production licences 1972 - 2006 Enclosure to production licence 1972 -2006 Unitisation agreements/production