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The Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries publish several different document types.

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  • Regulations relating to harvesting of the fauna on Svalbard

    24/06/2002 Regulation Ministry of Climate and Environment

    The fauna shall be managed in such a manner that the natural productivity and diversity of species and their habitats are maintained, and Svalbard’s natural wilderness is protected for future generations. Controlled and limited harvesting may take

    Read regulation at

  • Action Plan for Environment in Development Cooperation

    21/07/2006 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway’s environmental development cooperation is intended to assist developing countries in achieving the Millennium Development Goals and help poor people to improve their health and living conditions. There is a close link between the environment

  • The Norwegian Government's High North Strategy

    17/12/2006 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Norwegian Government's High North Strategy The Norwegian Government's High North Strategy (abstract in pdf-format) The strategy in russian (abstract in pdf-format)

  • Invitation to tender: Scheduled air services in Norway - 1 January 2008 – 31 March 2009

    20/09/2007 Call for tender Ministry of Transport

    The Ministry of Transport and Communications invites tenders to an open tender procedure for regional scheduled air services on the routes Andenes - Bodø v.v. and Andenes - Tromsø v.v. during the period 1 January 2008 to 31 March 2009. The deadline

  • Regulations relating to quarantine, isolation and prohibition against staying at holiday properties

    28/03/2020 Regulation Ministry of Health and Care Services

    Persons are prohibited from staying overnight at a holiday property in a municipality other than where they are registered as residing.

  • Assessment of Norwegian mobile revenues in a Nordic context – 2022

    22/04/2022 Report Ministry of Digitalisation and Public Governance

    This analysis is commissioned by Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementet (KDD). It provides a one-year-later update of the revenue, usage and pricing parts of the original analysis “Assessment of Norwegian mobile revenues in a Nordic context”, dated 22

  • Regulations relating to the use of motor vehicles on uncultivated land and in ice-covered watercourses

    15/05/1988 Regulation Ministry of Climate and Environment

    Care and consideration shall be shown during all motor traffic on uncultivated land and ice-covered watercourses to avoid damage or inconvenience to the natural environment and people.

    Read regulation at

  • Norwegian guidelines for support to human rights defenders

    25/08/2023 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    These guidelines are a tool to help the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Norwegian diplomatic missions to systematise measures and efforts to support human rights defenders and their work. The guidelines complement other guidelines and policy

  • The Patent Act as of 1 February 2004

    25/03/2004 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Patent Act as of 1 February 2004 [excerpts – unofficial translation] Section 49. A compulsory licence may only be granted to a person who has made efforts to obtain a licence on reasonable commercial terms by agreement without succeeding in this

  • Consultation – Measures to accelerate the phasing in of zero- and low-emission aircraft in Norwegian aviation

    29/06/2023 Consultation Ministry of Transport

    The government has in the white paper, Meld. St. 10 (2022-2023) Sustainable and safe aviation - National aviation strategy, decided that the overall climate goal for domestic aviation should be to accelerate the transition towards zero- and

    Deadline for consultation: 29/09/2023 Status: Consultation is being processed

  • Act relating to the execution of sentences etc.

    20/01/2004 Rules Ministry of Justice and Public Security

  • Norwegian ERA Roadmap 2016–2020

    17/10/2017 Report Ministry of Education and Research

    The Norwegian ERA Roadmap aims at contributing to a successful European Research Area by stating goals and actions to implement the Top Action Priorities identified in the ERA Roadmap 2015-2020

  • CERD-report from Norway 2005

    Seventeenth/eighteenth periodic report submitted by Norway under article 9 of the international convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination

    12/09/2005 Report Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Seventeenth/eighteenth periodic report submitted by Norway under article 9 of the international convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination. (September 2005)

  • Future acquisitions for the Norwegian Defence Sector 2019-2026

    28/02/2019 Plans/strategy Ministry of Defence

    This document gives an overview of future acquisitions for the Norwegian Defence Sector in the period 2019 - 2026.

  • National goals and guidelines for open access to research articles

    22/08/2017 Guidelines Ministry of Education and Research

    The government’s goal is that all pubclicly funded Norwegian research articles should be made openly available by 2024, and the government has established guidelines and measures for open access to research articles.

  • Research Barometer 2013

    International Cooperation in Norwegian Research

    03/06/2013 Report Ministry of Education and Research

    The Research Barometer is a publication of the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, and has been published yearly since 2011. The report, which also has an accompanying website, presents the latest figures on a broad set of indicators

  • Women, Peace and Security: Progress Report 2012

    20/09/2013 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The second progress report on the Government's implementation of Norway's strategic plan provides an overview of Norway’s priorities as well as examples of activities and results from 2012. It also identifies challenges and priority areas for Norway

  • Ethical Guidelines

    19/11/2002 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    On 17 October 2002 the Norwegian government resolved to introduce ethical guidelines for civil servants to prohibit the purchase and acceptance of sexual services.

  • Report on cases of financial irregularities in 2018

    Foreign Service Control Unit

    27/03/2019 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Foreign Service Control Unit deals with cases involving breaches of Foreign Service rules, unless responsibility for following up a specific type of irregularity has been assigned to a different unit in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

  • Deposit Guarantee Scheme

    15/03/2012 Letter Ministry of Finance

    I would like to draw your attention to an issue which is of great importance for Norway, namely the ongoing review of the Deposit Guarantee Scheme directive which might be entering the final stage.

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