Official Norwegian Reports

The Government or a ministry may constitute a committee and working groups who report on different aspects of society. A report can either be published as an Official Norwegian Report, or as a regular report.

On this page, you can find Official Norwegian Reports (Norges offentlige utredninger, or NOUs) from the Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries.

Your search returned 9 results.

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  • NOU 2023: 19 - Learning: Lost in the Shuffle?

    Use of pupil and student data to enhance learning

    06/06/2023 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Education and Research

    complete, consistent, accurate, timely, valid and unique in order for it to be described as good data quality (Pipino et al., 2002). Of these six principles, it is often easiest to assess whether the data are complete and valid, and then whether it is timely

  • NOU 2012: 16 - Cost-Benefit Analysis

    05/02/2013 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Finance

    NOU 1998: 16 Green Paper. Information in the present Report is up to date as per 1 September 2012. 1.2 Terms of reference On 18 February 2011, the Government appointed an expert committee to review the cost-benefit analysis framework. The terms of reference

  • NOU 2016: 8 - A Good Ally: Norway in Afghanistan 2001–2014

    06/06/2016 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    This is an English translation of the report of the Norwegian Commission on Afghanistan. The report is an overall assessment of the Norwegian civilian and military engagement in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2014. For Norway the engagement was demanding,

  • NOU 2008: 14 - Coherent for development?

    How coherent Norwegian policies can assist development in poor countries

    09/09/2008 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Fighting Poverty Together (Report No. 35 (2003 - 2004) to the Storting) and the white paper on globalisation (Report No. 19 (2002 - 2003) to the Storting). It should also take account of the Commitment to Development Index, which is published annually by

  • NOU 2022: 2 - Academic freedom of expression

    A good culture of free speech must be built from the bottom up, every single day

    30/03/2022 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Education and Research

    entail challenges There is an ongoing debate in many countries about conformity, cancel culture and identity politics in academia.18 This applies, for example, to cases where students find something in the teaching offensive, often resulting in staff no longer

  • NOU 2009: 19 - Tax havens and development

    12/06/2009 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    fact that a single small office building at George Town in the Cayman Islands serves as the registered address for more than 18 000 companies. 1 Most of the companies registered in tax havens conduct no or very limited genuine local business activity.

  • NOU 2015: 8 - The School of the Future

    Renewal of subjects and competences

    15/06/2015 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Education and Research

    Report from the Commission appointed by Royal Decree on 21 June 2013. Submitted to The Ministry of Education and Research on 15 June 2015.

  • NOU 2016: 14 - More to gain

    Better learning for students with higher learning potential

    15/09/2016 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Education and Research

    Report from the Committee appointed by Royal Decree on 18 September 2015. Submitted to the Ministry of Education and Research on 15 September 2016.

  • NOU 2014: 5 - MOOCs for Norway

    New digital learning methods in higher education

    16/06/2014 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Education and Research

    both the public and private sectors. The Commission held four committee meetings in Oslo during the autumn of 2013: 22 August, 18 September, 17 October and 20 November. During the spring of 2014, the Commission held four committee meetings, one in Lausanne