This is a list of selected reports published or received by The Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries.
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This is a list of selected reports published or received by The Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries.
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Showing 261-280 of 337 results.
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Multilateral Development Banks The "World Bank" is the name that has come to be used for the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA). The World Bank (IBRD) and the regional
Asylum Decisions on Child Applicants Report on 4-Country Pilot Project Kate Halvorsen June 2004 Asylum Decisions on Child Applicants (PDF-format)
Norwegian involvement in the dismantling of Russian nuclear submarines On 30 June 2003, the Norwegian authorities signed contracts to finance the dismantling of two non-strategic submarines from Russia’s Northern Fleet. The two vessels were
Debt Relief for Development - Summary The report in pdf version To read this document you need to install Adobe Acrobat Reader. The programme is free and can be downloaded from
Debt Relief for Development - A Plan of Action Debt Relief for Development - A Plan of Action (PDF version) May 2004
Regulations amending the Patent Regulations (in accordance with the decision of the WTO General Council of 30 August 2003, Paragraphs 1(b) and 2(a)) Pursuant to sections 49 and 69 of the Act of 15 December 1967 No. 9 relating to patents, the
Ownership Report 2003 (.pdf)
Norway’s initial offer in the WTO services (GATS) negotiations of 31 March 2003 (TN/S/O/NOR) Initial offer to the Services Negotiations, April 2003 The services negotiations in the WTO cover all trade in services between the member countries and are
Economies of Conflict Economies of Conflict: the Next Generation of Policy Responses builds on the current policy debate on the economic dimensions of violent conflict. The report is based on the expert consultations held in Oslo in November 2003,
Fighting Poverty through Agriculture The document is in pdf-format.
The Patent Act as of 1 February 2004 [excerpts – unofficial translation] Section 49. A compulsory licence may only be granted to a person who has made efforts to obtain a licence on reasonable commercial terms by agreement without succeeding in this
EEA enlargement instrument PROTOCOL 38 bis ON THE EEA FINANCIAL MECHANISM Article 1 The EFTA States shall contribute to the reduction of economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area through the financing of grants to investment and
Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and the European Community on a Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the period 2004 – 2009 Article 1 The Kingdom of Norway undertakes to set up a financial mechanism to reduce social and economic disparities in
White paper on Broadband, September 2003, summary(pdf)
Status Report 2003: Streamlining and Facilitation for Trade and Industry
From Idea to Value – The Government's Plan for a Comprehensive Innovation Policy (.pdf)
Evaluering av såkornordningen (pdf) location.replace("/archive/nhdvedlegg/01/10/Sakor022.pdf")
Eit enklare Noreg: Tiltaksplan 2003-2004