This is a list of selected reports published or received by The Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries.
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This is a list of selected reports published or received by The Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries.
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An investigation into the possibility and risk of utilizing thorium as a source of energy.
Environment 2001 The Norwegian Petroleum Sector The objective of the Ministry's environmental publication is to broaden public knowledge about environmental effects from petroleum operations on the Norwegian continental shelf. Environment 2001
The report in pdf
This report represents the first deliverable of the North Sea Basin Task Force, which Norway and the UK established in November 2005 to work together on issues surrounding the transport and storage of CO2 beneath the North Sea. The North Sea
This analysis is commissioned by Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementet (KDD). It provides a one-year-later update of the revenue, usage and pricing parts of the original analysis “Assessment of Norwegian mobile revenues in a Nordic context”, dated 22
Annually Norway sends a report to the OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The report Migration and Integration 2020-2021 - Report for Norway to the OECD is a contribution to the reporting system on migration for the OECD
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched its international strategy for promoting freedom of expression in foreign and development policy 29 June.
English summary
The story of Norway is a tale of the ocean. The ocean contributes to value creation and employment alongour entire coast, and lays the foundation for some of our most innovative companies and knowledge communities. Through this document, the
Key elements of the Norwegian Government’s work on sustainable food system, including the national dialogue and written input.
One of the NCP’s most important responsibilities is to promote the OECD Guidelines for Responsible Business Conduct. The objective of the Guidelines is to promote positive contributions from businesses to economic, environmental and social progress
This status report for the period 2018-2019 offers insight into how Norway is following up the Sahel strategy via various channels, without going into detail about every aspect of the activities or providing specifics about overall achievement of
The working group has reviewed the status and challenges regarding access to veterinary services, with a particular focus on veterinary services for food producing animals.
Report from GRECO - Group of States against Corruption (Council of Europe).