This is a list of selected reports published or received by The Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries.
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This is a list of selected reports published or received by The Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries.
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Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1999 1. WID/Gender Units and the Experience of Gender Mainstreaming in Multilateral Organisations (PDF-format) 2. Performance Assessement of IPPF: Policy and Effectiveness at Country and regional levels 3.
Debt Relief for Development - A Plan of Action Debt Relief for Development - A Plan of Action (PDF version) May 2004
The Government’s white paper on the High North outlines key developments in the High North and identifies future priorities. Here you will also find the French version of the report.
Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and the European Community on a Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the period 2004 – 2009 Article 1 The Kingdom of Norway undertakes to set up a financial mechanism to reduce social and economic disparities in
EEA enlargement instrument PROTOCOL 38 bis ON THE EEA FINANCIAL MECHANISM Article 1 The EFTA States shall contribute to the reduction of economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area through the financing of grants to investment and
Outcome of debate: Youth delegates suggest guidelines for future efforts pertaining to young people, migration and development 16.01.07 Terminology We should avoid the term “illegal immigrant”. Immigrants may be unregistered or not have documents,
Date: 16 December 2002 Ten years of Barents Euro-Arctic cooperation to be celebrated in Kirkenes 10-11 January On Friday 10 and Saturday 11 January 2003, 10 years of Barents Euro-Arctic cooperation will be celebrated in Kirkenes in Northern Norway,
Norway plays an important role in international efforts to implement the UN Security Council resolutions on women, peace and security. The summary of the Progress Report on what Norway has done in this field in 2011 is now available in Norwegian and
SOPEMI report for Norway
Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1991 1. Hjelp til selvhjelp og levedyktig utvikling 2. Diploma Courses at the Norwegian Institute of Technology 3. The Women's Grant in Bilateral Assistance 4. Hambantota Integrated Rural Development Programme,
Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1992 1. NGOs as partners in health care, Zambia 2. The Sahel-Sudan-Ethiopia Programme 3. De private organisasjonene som kanal for norsk bistand Fase1
Annually Norway sends a report to the OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The report , “International Migration 2011-2012 - IMO report for Norway”, is a contribution to the reporting system on migration for the OECD
In 2019, the Foreign Service Control Unit registered 90 new cases. In the same period, 94 cases were closed. A response was required in 54 of these cases, all of which fell under programme area 03 - international development assistance. A total of
The current Government, formed by the Labour Party and the Centre Party, took office on 14 October 2021. The introduction to the Government’s political platform and the chapters on defence policy and foreign policy are available in English below.
Report on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Download report (pdf) Introduction This report is Norway’s fourth biennial report related to climate change under the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The previous biennial reports were submitted in, 2014, 2016 and 2018 respectively.
This is the second yearly report on women, peace and security that is being finalised in the midst of an ongoing pandemic. A pandemic that has had a major impact on the work with women, peace and security, just as it has across the board on the