
This is a list of selected reports published or received by The Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries.   

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Showing 61-80 of 337 results.

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  • Publications from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    22/11/2001 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Publications from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Reports to the Storting Propositions to the Storting Reports Handbooks and brochures Programmes of action

  • Bergen Declaration

    Fifth International Conference on the Protection of the North Sea, 20­21 March 2002Bergen, Norway

    05/07/2002 Report Ministry of Climate and Environment

    The Bergen Declaration Ministerial Declaration ( PDF) 170 kB Déclaration Ministerielle ( PDF) 170 kB Erklärung der Minister ( PDF) 1 120 kB Fifth International Conference on the Protection of the North Sea 20­21 March 2002 Bergen, Norway

  • Norway’s humanitarian policy - Annual report 2011

    21/01/2013 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Through its humanitarian aid, Norway provided considerable support to local and international humanitarian organisations in their efforts to save lives and alleviate suffering in a long line of humanitarian crises all over the world in 2011.

  • International migration 2010-2011

    06/01/2012 Report Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    Annually Norway sends a report to the OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - as a contribution to the common reporting system on migration for the OECD countries, called SOPEMI. The recent report for Norway covers 2009 and

  • International migration 2010-2011

    06/01/2012 Report Ministry of Education and Research

    Annually Norway sends a report to the OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - as a contribution to the common reporting system on migration for the OECD countries, called SOPEMI. The recent report for Norway covers 2009 and

  • International migration 2010-2011

    06/01/2012 Report Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Annually Norway sends a report to the OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - as a contribution to the common reporting system on migration for the OECD countries, called SOPEMI. The recent report for Norway covers 2009 and

  • Improving lower secondary schools in Norway

    OECD-report - Executive Summary April 2011

    06/05/2011 Report Ministry of Education and Research

    The report Improving lower secondary schools in Norway aims to help education authorities in Norway and other OECD countries to understand the importance of lower secondary education and to find approaches to strenghten this key educational level.

  • Meld. St. 14 (2010–2011) Towards greener development

    08/04/2011 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Meld. St. 14 (2010-2011) Towards greener development: On a coherent environmental and development policy.

  • Norwegian proposal on the digitization of radio

    Summary of Report No. 8 (2010-2011) to the Storting

    01/04/2011 Report Ministry of Culture and Equality

    On 4 February 2011 The Norwegian Ministry of Culture presented a report on the digitization of radio to the Storting (the Norwegian national assembly). The report determines the conditions that must be met ant a target date for switch-off of FM

  • Melting snow and ice. A call for action

    14/12/2009 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre and former vice president Al Gore presented the report "Melting snow and ice. A call for action" at the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen 14 December.

  • The cost of inadequately educating asylum seekers and refugees

    Economic Analysis Norway 32 - 2016

    30/05/2016 Report Ministry of Education and Research

    This report has calculated the socio-economic cost that will arise if children and young people who arrive in Norway as asylum seekers or refugees were to receive inadequate education at primary and secondary level.

  • Report: Breaking the Silence

    17/06/2009 Report Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    The Norwegian Minister of Justice and the Police Knut Storberget hosted the 29th Conference of Council of Europe Ministers of Justice in Tromsø 19-19 June 2009. He presented the report 'Breaking the Silence'.

  • T-1468 ENG/CHI Universal design

    Clrification of the concept

    30/11/2007 Report Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    T-1468 ENG/CHI ISBN 978-82-457-0726-6 Universal design - Clarificaton of the concept (pdf)

  • Norwegian Bilateral Development Cooperation 2007

    10/11/2008 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The annual report describes bilateral development cooperation between Norway and 30 of the countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East that received the most assistance in 2007.

  • An english summary of the white paper on long-tem perspectives for the Norwegian economy

    20/03/2009 Report Ministry of Finance

    On 9 January 2009 the Government presented a report to the Storting (Norwegian parliament) on long term perspectives for the Norwegian economy.

  • Immigration and immigrants 2013-2014

    International migration 2013-2014 - Report from Norway to OECD

    04/12/2014 Report Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Annually Norway sends a report to the OECD – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The report “International Migration 2013-2014 – IMO report for Norway” is a contribution to the reporting system on migration for the OECD countries

  • Norway’s statement in the TNC meeting 30 November 2005

    30/11/2005 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway’s statement in the TNC meeting 30 November 2005 We associate ourselves with the Swiss intervention on behalf of the G 10. I would like to thank the DG, the Chair of the General Council and the Chairs of the Negotiating Groups for their

  • Three billion reasons

    Norway's Development Strategy for Children and Young People in the South

    30/05/2005 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Three billion reasons Norway's Development Strategy for Children and Young People in the South There is not just one reason for working to promote the well-being and rights of children and young people. There are three billion of them, Minister of

  • Nuclear Safety and the Environment

    February 2005

    07/04/2005 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Nuclear Safety and the Environment Plan of Action for the implementation of Report no. 34 (1993-1994) to the Storting Nuclear activities and chemical weapons in areas adjacent to our northern borders February 2005

  • Fra idé til verdi - Regjeringens plan for en helhetlig innovasjonspolitikk (pdf)

    21/10/2003 Report Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    Fra idé til verdi – Regjeringens plan for en helhetlig innovasjonspolitikk (.pdf)

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