Reports, plans and strategies

Here you can find selected reports, plans and strategies from the Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries.

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Showing 101-120 of 335 results.

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  • The Council on Ethics annual report 2006

    20/03/2007 Report Ministry of Finance

    The Council on Ethics for the Norwegian Government Pension Fund - Global has issued its second annual report today. The report contains in full text the recommendations that the Ministry of Finance has made public between 7 January and 31 December

  • Assessment of Norwegian fixed broadband pricing in a Nordic context –2022

    22/04/2022 Report Ministry of Digitalisation and Public Governance

    This analysis is commissioned by Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementet (KDD). It investigates Norwegian broadband prices, comparing them against three other Nordic markets: Denmark, Sweden and Finland. It’s an update of a previous analysis written in

  • Application for project support under the Plan of Action for Candidate Countries

    02/08/2001 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Application for project support under the Plan of Action for Candidate Countries to the EU Application for project support under the Plan of Action for Candidate Countries to the EU The application is to be sent to the Norwegian embassy in the

  • Evaluation reports and Annual reports 2000

    19/06/2002 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Evaluation reports and Annual reports 2000 1. Review of Norwegian Health-related Development Cooperation 1988 -1997 (PDF-format) 2. Norwegian Support to the Education Sector. Overview of policies and trends 1988 - 1998 (PDF-format) 3. The Project "

  • Third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III)

    Norwegian National Report

    05/10/2015 Report Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    The Norwegian National Report is contributing to the discussions in Quito, Ecuador, in October 2016. This is the Third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III).

  • Guidelines for Norway's Efforts to Strenghten Support for Indigenous Peoples in Development Cooperation

    29/09/2004 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Guidelines for Norway's Efforts to Strenghten Support for Indigenous Peoples in Development Cooperation The document is in word format. The strategy translated to other languages: Diretrizes para a atuação norueguesa destinada a fortalecer o apoio

  • Economies of Conflict

    28/05/2004 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Economies of Conflict Economies of Conflict: the Next Generation of Policy Responses builds on the current policy debate on the economic dimensions of violent conflict. The report is based on the expert consultations held in Oslo in November 2003,

  • Tsunami Relief, Rehabilitation and Development - Activities 2004 — 2005 (Stromme Foundation)

    23/12/2005 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Tsunami Relief, Rehabilitation and Development - Activities 2004 – 2005 (Stromme Foundation) Summary SF's focus on immediate relief, followed by rehabilitation assistance was to enable the affected communities to recover from losses to normal life

  • Multilateral Development Banks

    September 2004

    16/09/2004 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Multilateral Development Banks The "World Bank" is the name that has come to be used for the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA). The World Bank (IBRD) and the regional

  • EC salmon safeguard. Notofication of re-balancing measures

    08/04/2005 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    EC salmon safeguard. Notofication of re-balancing measures About the notification Press release 41/05 31.03.2005: Consultations held in the WTO with European Communities 30 March 2005 – Definitive Safeguard Measure on Salmon

  • Tsunami Relief, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Activities 2004-2005 (Plan Sri Lanka)

    23/12/2005 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Tsunami Relief, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Activities 2004-2005 (Plan Sri Lanka) Description of Activities Plan Sri Lanka responded immediately after the tsunami to implement an emergency response program, since then we have been focusing on

  • South Africa — background

    13/02/2006 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    South Africa – background Nelson Mandela became South Africa’s first democratically elected president in 1994 after spending more than 27 years in prison, including 18 years on notorious Robben Island. Since 1994 South Africa has come quite far in

  • New report about how to influence voters to use their right to vote

    06/07/2018 Report Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    In connection with the parliamentary elections in 2017, experiments with specific measures were carried out to increase voter participation. The purpose of the experiments was to inquire the impact of different measures to mobilize people to vote.

  • Attractive Nordic towns - strategies towards a more sustainable future

    22/10/2019 Report Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    This report is made by Sweco, and it is a guide to those who aim at building attractive small and medium-sized Nordic towns. It is not a “how to” handbook. For the urban planners or politicians who are aiming at making their town more attractive, it

  • The Norwegian Government Policy for Reduced and Improved State Ownership (based on White Paper No 22 2001-02)

    14/06/2002 Report Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    The Norwegian Government Policy for reduced and improved State Ownership (based on White Paper No 22 (2001-02).

  • Final report: Future North

    21/05/2015 Report Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    Final report from 'Knowledge Gathering -Value Creation in the North'.

  • International Migration 2009-2010

    17/01/2011 Report Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Annually Norway sends a report to the OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - as a contribution to the common reporting system on migration for the OECD countries, called SOPEMI. The recent report for Norway covers 2009 and

  • Steady as she goes

    The Government`s strategy for environmentally friendly growth

    03/10/2007 Report Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    The Government’s vision: Norway will be a world leading maritime nation. Norwegian maritime industry will supply the most innovative and environmentally friendly solutions for the future.

  • Tax havens and development

    Commission on capital flight from developing countries

    18/06/2009 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Illicit financial flows hamper development in poor countries. A government-appointed commission proposes a number of measures to reduce the adverse effects of tax havens.

  • Evaluation of the grant scheme for Norwegian – Russian collaboration projects in health and related social issues 2009-2011

    24/09/2014 Report Ministry of Health and Care Services

    The purpose of the evaluation was to obtain information about the ability of the Grant Scheme for the period 2009-2011 to contribute to the aims outlined in the collaboration programme (Samarbeidsprogram 2009), in the 3rd Barents Collaboration

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