Reports, plans and strategies

Here you can find selected reports, plans and strategies from the Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries.

Showing 381-400 of 456 results.

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  • Incentive schemes for attracting new electricity generation

    10/12/2009 Report Ministry of Energy

    The report in pdf

  • Strategy for Norway’s culture and sports co-operation with countries in the South

    27/11/2005 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Strategy for Norway’s culture and sports co-operation with countries in the South The strategy was launched by the Minister of International Development in August 2005.

  • Taken for Granted? An Evaluation of Norway’s Special Grant for the Environment

    09/02/2001 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Taken for Granted? An Evaluation of Norway’s Special Grant for the Environment Dokumentet er en PDF-fil. For å lese dokumentet trenger du programmet Adobe Acrobat Reader, som kan lastes ned fra

  • Annual Report on Norwegian Bilateral Development Cooperation 2006

    01/10/2007 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Annual Report on Norwegian Bilateral Development Cooperation 2006 (PDF) (3MB)

  • Environmental and Social Responsibility in Public Procurement (Sustainable Public Procurement)

    22/06/2007 Plans/strategy Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    The Government wants the public sector to lead the way as a responsible consumer and demand environmentally sound products and services which have been manufactured in accordance with high ethical and social standards. To this end, the Government

  • Stop Human Trafficking

    17/01/2007 Plans/strategy Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    The Government has presented a new plan of action against trafficking in human beings. The plan contains stronger and updated measures that will be implemented from 2006 - 2009.

  • The Norwegian Government’s Action Plan for combating economic crime

    09/06/2004 Plans/strategy Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    The Government is giving priority to increased efforts against economic crime. An action plan for combating economic crime with measures aimed at several areas of society, will be implemented over the course of 2004-2007.

  • Annual report 2004 - combating of corruption

    01/04/2005 Report Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    The great influx of enquiries to 'The project on the combating of corruption and money laundering' from both Norway and abroad in 2004 indicates a steadily growing awareness of corruption and money laundering.

  • Immigration and Integration 2019–2020

    Report for Norway to the OECD

    22/12/2020 Report Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Children and Families, Ministry of Culture and Equality, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Health and Care Services, Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Annually Norway sends a report to the OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The report "Immigration and Integration 2019-2020 - Report for Norway to the OECD" is a contribution to the reporting system on migration for the

  • Revision: National counterterrorism strategy

    14/12/2022 Plans/strategy Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    The national counterterrorism strategy was presented in 2021. After an inclusive process, it resulted in the designation of several priority areas and measures to address identified needs andgaps. With the present revision of the strategy, the

  • Ownership Report 2003 (.pdf)

    17/06/2004 Report Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    Ownership Report 2003 (.pdf)

  • Energy and Development - Report on Policy Coherence for Development 2012

    Chapter 11 from the 2013 Budget Proposal from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    04/02/2013 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway’s 2nd report on Policy Coherence for Development, “Energy and Development” was presented by Heikki Eidsvoll Holmås, Minister for International Development, in a public debate on 9 October 2012. The report was submitted to the Storting (

  • International Expert Committee

    03/05/2012 Report Ministry of Education and Research

    from the Expert Committee on risk assessment of possible relocation of the Viking Ships from Bygdøy. There are risks for damage to the Viking Ships and assemblage present at the Viking Ship Museum at Bygdøy regardless of which future scenario is

  • The cost of inadequately educating asylum seekers and refugees

    Economic Analysis Norway 32 - 2016

    30/05/2016 Report Ministry of Education and Research

    This report has calculated the socio-economic cost that will arise if children and young people who arrive in Norway as asylum seekers or refugees were to receive inadequate education at primary and secondary level.

  • International Migration report 2012-2013

    06/01/2014 Report Ministry of Children and Families

    Annually Norway sends a report to the OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The report “International Migration 2012-2013 - IMO report for Norway” is a contribution to the reporting system on migration for the OECD countries


    10/12/2009 Plans/strategy Ministry of Culture and Equality

    The Government wants to promote architecture. There is a need for a new, comprehensive architectural policy. Buildings, cities and population centres are facing new challenges from climate change, growth and transformation.

  • National geospatial strategy towards 2025 - Everything happens somewhere

    01/11/2018 Plans/strategy Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    With this strategy, the Government will continue to develop this infrastructure. This strategy is based on the fact that “everything happens somewhere”, and it shows the direction of the work ahead.

  • Fourth Norwegian Action Plan - Open Government Partnership (OGP)

    29/03/2019 Plans/strategy Ministry of Digitalisation and Public Governance

    This is the Fourth Norwegian Open Government Partnership Action Plan.

  • Leadership in Norway’s Civil Service

    09/10/2008 Plans/strategy Ministry of Digitalisation and Public Governance

    The document sets out the basis, framework and principles of leadership in the Civil Service. It establishes that the leadership policy must be based on the distinctive nature, value base and overall objectives of the Civil Service. The Norwegian

  • Strategy for Norway’s participation in Horizon Europe and the European Research Area

    03/12/2021 Plans/strategy Ministry of Education and Research

    The strategy sets out the overriding goals for Norway’s participation in Horizon Europe and the European Research Area for the period 2021-2027.

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