White papers (Meld.St.) are drawn up when the Government wishes to present matters to the Storting that do not require a decision. White papers tend to be in the form of a report to the Storting on the work carried out in a particular field and future policy. These documents, and the subsequent discussion of them in the Storting, often form the basis of a draft resolution or bill at a later stage.
White papers
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Meld. St. 27 (2022–2023) - A good life throughout Norway – regional and rural policy for the future
Meld. St. 27 (2022–2023) Report to the Storting (white paper)
20/06/2023 Report to the Storting Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development -
Meld. St. 26 (2022–2023) - A changing climate – united for a climate-resilient society
Meld. St. 26 (2022–2023) Report to the Storting (white paper)
16/06/2023 Report to the Storting Ministry of Climate and Environment -
Meld. St. 21 (2022–2023) - Norwegian exports of defence-related products in 2022, export control and international non-proliferation cooperation
02/06/2023 Report to the Storting Ministry of Foreign AffairsThis white paper provides an account of Norwegian exports of arms, ammunition and other military equipment and components, related technology, and services for military use (shortened to ‘defence-related products’ in the rest of this document) in
Meld. St. 17 (2022–2023) - The Government Pension Fund 2023
31/03/2023 Report to the Storting Ministry of Finance -
Meld. St. 14 (2022–2023) - Outlook on the skills needs in Norway
24/03/2023 Report to the Storting Ministry of Education and Research -
Meld. St. 9 (2022–2023) - National control and cyber resilience to safeguard national security
Meld. St. 9 (2022–2023) Report to the Storting (white paper)
09/12/2022 Report to the Storting Ministry of Justice and Public Security -
Meld. St. 6 (2022–2023) - Greener and more active state ownership
The State’s direct ownership of companies
21/10/2022 Report to the Storting Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesIn the white paper on ownership policy, the Government describes why the state has direct ownership interests in companies, what the state owns and how the state exercises its ownership.
Meld. St. 5 (2022–2023) - Long-term plan for research and higher education 2023–2032
23/09/2022 Report to the Storting Ministry of Education and Research