White papers

White papers (Meld.St.) are drawn up when the Government wishes to present matters to the Storting that do not require a decision. White papers tend to be in the form of a report to the Storting on the work carried out in a particular field and future policy. These documents, and the subsequent discussion of them in the Storting, often form the basis of a draft resolution or bill at a later stage.

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  • Meld. St. 8 (2018–2019) - The Power of Culture

    Meld. St. 8 (2018–2019) Report to the Storting (white paper) Summary

    23/11/2018 Report to the Storting Ministry of Culture and Equality

  • White Paper no. 12 (2020–2021) - White Paper no. 12 (2020–2021)

    National minorities in Norway - A comprehensive policy

    04/11/2021 Report to the Storting Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    The purpose of this White Paper is to describe developments in policy in respect of national minorities over the past two decades and to outline how the Government can help to reinforce the languages, culture and situation of national minorities in